National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce
The Hydrologic Ensemble Prediction (HEP) Group leads research and development (R&D) of hydrologic ensemble prediction and data assimilation capabilities in support of operational hydrologic forecasting in NOAA/NWS and research-to-operation transition of new capabilities to the River Forecast Centers (RFC) and Weather Forecast Offices (WFO). HEP works closely with the other groups in the Hydrology Laboratory, the RFCs, and other collaborators in and outside of NWS.


Fig. 1 Hydrologic forecast uncertainty to be quantified and reduced with ensemble and data assimilation capabilities to effectively support diverse applications


Fig. 2 Components of the hydrologic ensemble forecast system under development to account for all major sources of uncertainty in the hydrologic forecasting process and communicate uncertainty-quantified forecast information to end users