National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Workshop 2: Using AV-ThreshR (Multiple Basins)

(Workshop developed for FFG/ThreshR training course, July 25-27, 2000)


This tutorial provides instructions on how to use AV-ThreshR.  Readers who want to know more details about AV-ThreshR methods and the accompanying database may want to take a look at the AV-ThreshR documentation.  Hyperlinks below link to this user documentation to explain certain concepts.   This tutorial is the 2nd in a series of 3 tutorials prepared for the FFG/ThreshR/ArcView Workshop held in Silver Spring, MD in July, 2000.


Note:  This setup will be done for you at the July Workshop.

On UNIX systems,  copy the extension file threshr.avx to either your Home directory or to the directory /ext under the ArcView3 installation directory.  [On a PC, copy threshr.avx to the ArcViewext32 directory.]

You can obtain the most recent version of threshr.avx via anonymous ftp to

In the event that you are not sure which version you have, version information can be obtained through the File -- Extensions dialog  by clicking with the mouse on the Extension name.  Information about threshr.avx will appear in the "About" box.  Threshr.avx is dependent on the Spatial Analyst so the Spatial Analyst Extension is automatically loaded if the ThreshR extension box is selected.  An error will occur if the Spatial Analyst Extension is not available.


Getting Started

  • Create a directory for output files at the UNIX prompt.
% mkdir output2
  • Start ArcView, open a new Project, and load the AV-ThreshR Extension.
% arcview &
File --> Extensions
  • Identify "output2" as the default output directory by making the Project window active and then selecting Project --> Properties.  In the "Project Properties" window, enter "output2" in the "Work Directory" text box.
  • Open a new View.

You will see that two customized Menus, "ThreshR" and "ThreshR-Utility," are added to the default View GUI.  Whenever a View is active, these menus are seen.  Customized tools have also been added to the Tool bar tr graphic .  Use of several of these tools was discussed in Workshop 1.  For the simplest and most straightforward implementation of AV-ThreshR, the end-user is only concerned with items under the "ThreshR" menu.  Items under the "ThreshR-Utility" may be of interest to the advanced user but are not discussed here.  Several items under the "ThreshR-Utility" menu  were used for data preparation and pre-processing.

Main Menu Overview

The 9 items in the main "ThreshR" pull-down menu are shown below.  The ThreshR menu items are divided into logical groups that are separated by a horizontal bar.  Steps 2, 3, and 4 are pure GIS processing steps and are also the most time consuming (Step 4 may take hours for large RFC areas, depending on selected options).  Computation time estimates depend on many factors.  It is expected that a user would run steps 2, 3, and 4 only once or perhaps a few times.  Steps 5, 6, and 7 are relatively fast (minutes for entire RFCs) and users may wish to repeat these steps to study different UG and flooding flow scenarios.  Steps 8 and 9 are required to created gridded threshold runoff estimates from the subbasin values and export the data for use in the FFG software.


tr graphic

1. Setup

  •  Click ThreshR --> Setup.  In the input dialog, type the directory name for the location of the input data, and click OK.  For this workshop (July, 2000) the input directory is: /opt/group1/marfc or /opt/group2/marfc, etc. depending on your group number.  After clicking OK, click "Yes" when asked "Load Input Data?"

The answer to this question is most often "Yes", unless all of the input data are already loaded and you are just running setup to change the identity of the input directory.  In either case, the program will not load a second copy of a Theme to the project if there is already a data Theme with that name loaded.

The setup program automatically loads the following data into your Project.


rfcbound.shp -- RFC boundary defined by the DEM (may be a buffered RFC boundary for coastal areas
rf1.shp -- a modified version of EPA's River Reach File 1 (RF1); although not used directly by the ThreshR programs,    this file is useful for spatial reference because it contains river names
statekey.shp -- State Boundaries used for USGS regression equations.
regions.shp -- Regions used in USGS Regression Equations
hrappts.shp -- center points of HRAP cells (this shapefile will look skewed because of the map projection being used; however, the projection being used is well suited for the type of analysis being done); interpolated values of ThreshR are joined to this shapefile and exported to FFG.


slopeff -- slope in ft/ft
fd -- flow direction grid
fa -- flow accumulation grid
mask -- buffered mask of RFC boundary; cells within the basin are assigned the value 1 and cells outside the basin are assigned "NODATA"
fld -- downstream flowlength (m)


parcode.dbf -- stores information the programs need to determine which parameters to compute and how to compute them
regequat.dbf -- stores constants needed for the USGS Peakflow regression equations in different states and different regions
In these instructions, information about these input data sets is provided on an as needed basis.  Much more information about the input data is provided in User Documentation: Data, and a more detailed description of the parcode.dbf and regequat.dbf tables is provided in User Documentation: Function.

After Setup, your View will look something like this.

tr graphic

The GIS data sources displayed in your view are not all of the data sources used by the Av-ThreshR programs.  Other input data sets required for USGS Flood Frequency Regression parameter calculations are accessed directly by Avenue codes using their file system names (without loading the data as Themes into a View).  This is done to avoid cluttering up the Theme "Table of Contents" in the View window.

  • With a View active, click Analysis -- Properties and set the Analysis Extent to Same as the flow direction grid (fd).  Also set the Analysis Cell Size to Same as fd.  Set the Analysis Mask to Mask and click OK.

By default, AV-ThreshR is set up to work on a large analysis area the entire RFC.  To save time, we will use a smaller analysis area for this workshop -- a 6862 mi2 area draining the West Branch of the Susquehanna R. in Pennsylvania.  Results covering an entire RFC will be examined in Workshop 3 with the computationally expensive steps pre-computed.  The analysis area has been delineated for you using the tr graphic tool described in Workshop1.

  • Load the polygon Shapefile called "Wsusq.shp" from your "marfc/workshop2" directory that will define your analysis area for this workshop (tr graphic) .  To view this Theme, turn it "on" in the View by placing a check next to its name in the Table of Contents.  You might also want to Zoom to the extent of this Theme using tr graphic.

2.  Define Subbasins

  • Click ThreshR -- Define Subbasins and fill out the dialog as shown below.
MAKE SURE THE "SET MAXIMUM AREA" IS CHECKED (If not, a known bug will occur)
tr graphic
    • Select Headwaters1 as the delineation method. (results will be compared to precomputed results from the Streamlink method)  The starting point in all delineation methods is to define a synthetic stream network from the DEM using an area threshold.  In the Headwaters1 method, only the drainage areas defined by the headwater synthetic streams are considered further.  In each headwater stream, the furthest downstream point that drains less than the maximum drainage area is selected as the headwater basin outlet.  The maximum area criteria helps to create headwaters that are relatively uniform in size.
    • The program will provide the currently saved names for the flow direction (fd) and flow accumulation Grids (fa).  You should not have to change these names under normal circumstances.
    • Select the box next to "Analyze Only Selected Area."   When this box is selected, the "Polygon Area Theme" text line becomes enabled.  Enter the name of a polygon theme that will bound calculations -- wsusq.shp in this case.  Note: To analyze the entire RFC, you would enter "rfcbound.shp" as the "Selected Area Theme" text line.
    • Define subbasins draining at least 20 mi2 and not more than 35 mi2.  This produces 99 subbasins ranging in size from 20.8 mi2 to 35 mi2 with an average drainage area of 28.7 mi2.
  • Click the Calculate button to define the subbasins.  Calculations should take about 1 - 2 minutes on an AWIPS workstation.  When the program finishes, a completion report is presented to the user.  Click OK.

Three Themes are added to the View Table of Contents by this program:

shd1.shp -- polygon Shapefile of subbasin boundaries
shdgri1 -- grid of subbasin boundaries
strc1.shp -- synthetic stream coverage based on a 20 mi2 threshold for reference

The number "1" following these file names will be incremented if a file with this name already exists in your output directory.

  • If you wish, rename shd1.shp and shdgri1 so that the names make more sense to you.  To rename a Theme, make it Active and select Theme --> Properties .  Type a new name in the box labeled "Theme Name".  Suggested names:
shd1.shp -->  Susq Heads Poly
shdgri1 --> Susq Heads Grid
strc1.shp --> Synthetic Streams
Remember, changing the name of a Theme in ArcView does not change the name of the Source File on disk.

Your View should look similar to the following:

tr graphic

3.  **SKIP ThreshR --> Determine Connectivity because this is not needed when we are making computations for Headwaters only.

4.  Compute Subbasin Parameters

  • Click on ThreshR --> Compute Subbasin Parameters and fill out the resulting dialog as shown below:

tr graphic

    • In most cases, the correct names for all INPUT THEMES are remembered by the program so no typing is required.  An exception might be if the ThreshR --> Define Subbasins option is run twice and the user wants to use the results from the first run -- the program only remembers the identity of the most recently created Subwatershed Grid Theme and Subwatershed Polygon Theme, etc.
    • Select Headwaters as the delineation method.
    • Select "All Parameters" for this run.
    • Ignore the ADVANCED OPTIONS for now.
  • Click Calculate.  Parameter calculations for this area take about 4-5 minutes on the AWIPS workstations.  Click OK  when the calculations are complete.

The outputs from this program are a Center Point Shapefile Theme ("cntp1.shp") and many attribute fields added to "Susq Heads Poly."

  • Check out the parameters that have been added to your subbasin Attribute table by making "Susq Heads Poly" Active and clicking tr graphic.  It is helpful to enlarge the Table window and scroll to the right.

With the "All Parameters" option selected, both basic subbasin characteristics and characteristics required for regional USGS Flood Frequency equations are computed.  The "basic" characteristics computed by the program are described in ThreshR Functionality Table 2.2.1.   Scroll to the right in "Attributes of Susq Heads Poly" and you will see the values for parameters listed in Table 2.2.1: arm, chsl0, chln, chsl, chcn, centlat, centlon, altind, stateabbr, regions,  and reg_fract.

  • Question: What is the average channel length ("chln") for the basins you have defined? (Hint: select the CHLN field by clicking on the word "chln" with the mouse and then hit Field --> Statistics. CHLN units are miles.)

These basins in the W. Branch of the Susquehanna R. intersect with USGS Pennsylvania flood regions 2, 5, and 6 defined by Regions.shp.  If you look at the photocopies of USGS WRIR 94-4002 pp. 135-138 handed out in class, you will see that the only "non-basic" parameters required in any region of Pennsylvania are:

STRP_PA:  basin storage (1 plus the percentage of drainage area shown to be lakes, ponds, or swamps on topographic maps)
Note:  There may be an error in the storage layer delivered by the contractor; however, this should not affect the calculations in this example because this storage parameter is not required for equations in regions 2, 5, and 6.

PRE_PA:  precipitation index equal to average annual precipitation minus annual average potential evaporation

  • STRP_PA and PRE_PA are the last two fields in "Attributes of Susq Heads Poly"  The program knows that these are the only two non-basic parameters required in Pennsylvania becuase there is a field in the Theme "statekey.shp" called "params" that lists all of the non-basic parameters in each state. Make Statekey.shp the active Theme and take a look at this field using tr graphic.

The program needs to know not only which parameters to calculate for a given location but how to make these calculations and where the input information is stored.  To provide this information to the program, the file parcode.dbf has been created (a detailed description of parcode.dbf is provided in Function: Compute Subbasin Parameters )

  • Take a look parcode.dbf by activating the Project Window, clicking on the tables icon tr graphic and double-clicking on parcode.dbf.  This table was loaded into your project by the Setup scripts.  This table contains information about all of the parameters in MARFC.

You will see in parcode.dbf that the source file ("srcfile" field) for the parameter PRE_PA is named pre_pa and that this file is located in the source directory "pa".  As you can see, not all of the input Themes for parameter calculations are automatically loaded into your View.

  • To take a look at pre_pa, load this Grid from disk using tr graphic and selecting "Grid Data Source" as the Data Source Type.
5.  Compute Q2, Q5, etc.
  • Click ThreshR --> Compute Q2, Q5, etc. The default dialog settings (as shown below) should be correct provided that you have not deviated from these instructions.

tr graphic

  • Click Calculate. Calculations should only take a few seconds.

The program creates a new field in "Attributes of Susq Heads Poly" containing Qx values for each subbasin.  The run identifier is used to give this output field a unique name.  If the return period chosen is "2" and the run identifier is "1", then the output field is named "Q2_1."  The units for this field are cfs.

  • Take a look at the output by editing the Theme legend for "Susq Heads Poly" to map Q2_1.  (Double-click on the "Susq Heads Poly" Theme, select "Graduated Color" as the legend type, choose Q2_1 as the classification field, and then click "Apply.")  The Q2 results show considerably higher values in Region 2 (see "regions.shp").  This is probably a reflection of the higher regression equation coefficient for the Q2.33 equation this region (see USGS WRIR 94-4002 pp. 135-138).

6.  UG Peak Flow

  •  Before selecting this menu item, load tr graphic  grids of Cp and Ct that were created for PA from the "pa" ~/marfc/subdirectory.  These grids were created using data from Miller et al. (1983).  Data for mean Cp and Ct in 25 basins were plotted at basin outlet points.  Cp and Ct grids were then interpolated from these points using an Inverse Distance Weighting Scheme.

  •   Click ThreshR -- UG Peak Flow and set the dialog options as shown below:

tr graphic

    • The program should have identified "Susq Heads Poly" as the Subbain Theme and the run identifier should be the same as that for the peak flow calculations ("1").  Leave these inputs as is.
    • Since grids of Cp and Ct are available for this area, click the box next to "Snyder Cp and Ct from Grids" and choose the Cp and Ct grids in their respective combo boxes.
  • Click Calculate and Click OK when calculations are complete.

With this option selected, five new fields are added to the attribute table of Susq Heads Poly.  These fields are cp, ct, Qsd1_1, Qsd3_1, and Qsd6_1 respectively.  Qsd1_1, Qsd3_1, and Qsd6_1 represent the 1 hour, 3 hour, and 6 hour unit hydrograph peak flows respectively in [cfs].

 Note:  Although the Snyder unit graph method is the only UG method currently supported through a dialog interface in AV-ThreshR 1.1, other unit graph approaches could be implemented manually using the ArcView table calculator (tr graphic) and stored parameter values.  Additional automated unit graph options can be added in Av-ThreshR updates if there is demand from users.

7.  Subbasin Threshold Runoff

The function of this step is to simply create a new field (or fields) in the subbasin theme that contains the computed threshold runoff for a selected duration (or durations).  The scripts run in this step provide an interface for making the necessary tabular calculations (dividing the bankfull flow field (cfs) by the unit graph peak flow field (cfs/in)).  If the bankfull flow or unit graph peak values for any of the subbasins are 0, then the value in the output field is flagged as -1.

  • Click ThreshR --> Subbasins Threshold Runoff, select "Susq Heads Poly" as the Subbasin Theme.  When a subbasin Theme is selected, the "Flooding Flow Field" dialog is populated with the available fields from "Susq Heads Poly."  Select Q2_1 as the Flooding Flow field and select Qsd1_1, Qsd3_1, and Qsd6_1 as the UGPeaks (hold down the shift key to select multiple fields).

tr graphic

  • Click Calculate.
Three new fields are added to the attribute table of "Susq Heads Poly": tr1h_1, tr3h_1, and tr6h_1.  These fields contain values for 1 hour, 3 hour and 6 hour threshold runoff respectively.  For example: Q2_1 in cfs is divided by Qsd1_1 in cfs/inch to derive tr1h_1 in inches.
  • Display a graduated color map of the subbasin threshold runoff results in the field tr1h_1 using a default legend file named ~/marfc/workshop2.avl.  (Double-click Susq Heads Poly in the Table of Contents.  Select Legend Type: Graduated Color.  Select Classification Field: tr1h_1.  Hit the Load button and choose the legend file workshop2.avl.  At the Load Legend dialog, select tr1h_1 as the field and check the "All" box to load both Classes and Symbols. )

You can create your own legend if you don't like this one but this legend is useful for consistent comparison with later results.

  • Compute statistics for the tr1h_1 field by making Susq Heads Poly the active Theme, clicking on tr graphic, selecting the field tr1h_1 with the mouse, and then choosing the menu item Field --> Statistics.   You will see that the statistics for 1 hour threshold runoff values in the 99 subbasins are:
mean = 1.2 in.
max = 2.04 in.
min = 0.56 in.
8.  Interpolate to HRAP
  • Click ThreshR --> Interpolate to HRAP

tr graphic

The correct Theme input names should be provided for you in the dialog.  There is an option to interpolate values only from the headwater outlets.  You DO NOT need to select "Headwater Only" since all of your subbasins in this workshop are headwaters.  This option is useful if you have used the Streamlink delineation method and want to only use headwater threshold runoff values in your interpolation.

  • Click Calculate.  You are prompted to select the field with ThreshR values to be interpolated.  Select tr1hr_1 and click OK.  This program should take about 3-4 minutes.

In the Avenue program, interpolation to the hrappts.shp locations is actually accomplished in 3 steps: (1) hrappts.shp points that lie within subbasins with known threshold runoff values are assigned the corresponding subbasin values, (2) a continuous grid of interpolated threshold runoff is created using the hrappts.shp points with known values as input, and (3) values from the interpolated grid are mapped back to hrappts.shp to provide a complete set of values for all HRAP cells within the analysis area.

Two outputs are created by this program:

    1. Trgrid1 which is created for display purposes only.
    2. An attribute field called tr1r_1 that is added to hrappts.shp.  This field contains interpolated values of the 1 hour threshold runoff.  If a field named "tr1r_1" already exists, then the user is prompted to enter an alternate name.
  • Zoom to the extent of the "Susq Heads Poly" Theme (tr graphic).  Put the hrappts.shp Theme at the top of the table of contents and make this theme visible to show the point locations.  You will see that all Hrappts.shp points within your analysis area have been selected.  If you look at the table for this Theme (hrappts.shp), you will see that tr1h_1 values have been calculated only for selected points ( tr graphic and tr graphic ).
9.  Write FFG ASCII File
  • Click ThreshR --> Write FFG ASCII File
  • Select hrapptst.shp as the HRAP Theme.
  • Select tr1r_1 as the field with threshold runoff values
  • Select wsusq.shp as the analysis polygon Theme
  • Enter 1 as the unit graph duration
  • Enter any text string as the output file name.
An ASCII file with the specified name is written to the ArcView Project Working Directory ("output2").  This file can be loaded into the FFG software.
  • It is probably a good idea to save your project at this point by clicking File --> Save Project.

Cumulative Results for Non-headwater Basins

In Step 2, the decision was made to only consider headwater basins with sizes ranging from at least 20 mi2 but no more than 35 mi2.  An alternative option is to define define both headwaters and downstream basins using the "Streamlink" approach.  Because certain parameter calculations are more time consuming when values for downstream interbasins are desired (CHSL and CHCN in particular),  the total processing time required for the streamlink approach is often considerably longer than when only headwaters are considered.  Although probably longer than you want to sit and wait during this workshop, these computations are not overwhelming considering the coarse scale DEM (400 -m) being used.  Streamlink computations for the analysis area chosen for this workshop took about 20 minutes.

To compare with headwater values, results using the streamlink approach have been pre-computed for you.  The procedures used are similar to those described above with slightly different options for Define Subbasins, Determine Connectivity, and Compute Subbasin Parameters.   The Compute Q2, UG Peak Flow, and Subbasin Threshold Runoff options were the same.

The dialogs used for Steps 2, 3, and 4 looked as follows:

Step 2

tr graphic

Note that a maximum area of 770 mi2 (2000 km2) was used.  770 mi2 is an often cited threshold for when unit hydgrograph theory breaks down.

Step 3

tr graphic

Step 4

tr graphic

  • Load the file shd2.shp into your View from ~/marfc/workshop2 to compare cumulative results with the headwater results.
  • Note that the ThreshR --> Determine Connectivity script has flagged the headwaters in this shapefile by adding a field called shdishead.
  • An important point here is that there was essentially no area limit applied to the size of "headwater" basins  (as opposed to the 35 mi2 limit applied in the above example).  To demonstrate this difference, compute the drainage area statistics for headwaters derived in shd2.shp.
    • Get the attribute table for shd2.shp, click on tr graphic, enter the query ( [shdishead] = 1 ), and click on the "New Set" button to select all headwater subbasins.  Compute statistics for the ARM field (Field --> Statistics).  Only statistics for the selected polygons are computed.  Statistical comparison between the Streamlink and Headwaters1 approach:

    Headwater Statistic for two Delineation Methods

    Statistic Streamlink Headwaters1
    Number of Basins 100 99
    mean area (mi2) 42.5 28.7
    max area (mi2) 125 35
    min area(mi2) 20.8 20.8

Note that the Streamlink approach allows for a wider range of headwater basin sizes and a higher mean value.

Puzzle:  Why is it that Headwaters1 produces only 99 basins while there are 100 headwaters produced by Streamlink?

  • Display the values in the  tr1h_2 field of shd2.shp using the workshop2.avl.  Note how threshold runoff values tend to increase with drainage are in this region.  As discussed in lecture, this trend may not be true for other regions.
It is difficult to visually compare shd2.shp and Susq Heads Poly when they are loaded in the same View.  It might be helpful to reload shd2.shp in a new View.  An alternative for side-by-side Viewing is to use a Layout.

Save your Project File before exiting from ArcView!

End of Workshop2


Miller, A.C., S.N. Kerr, and D.J. Spaeder, "Calibration of Snyder Coefficients for Pennsylvania," Water Resources Bulletin of the American Water Resources Association, 19, 4, August 1983.

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