National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce
3.0 Systems Documentation

3.1  Database Format Specifications

Database Setup and Flow Direction Pre-processing Instructions

3.2 Code Documentation

In AV-ThreshR, the main functions are initiated from the pull-down menu "ThreshR."  Pull-down menus are used to initiate what are called "Click" scripts, Avenue scripts that get run when a menu item is selected.  A click script will often call a dialog box and/or other scripts.  Links in this documentation have been designed to show the execution sequence of scripts under different user scenarios.

Table 3.1 lists the "Click" script associated with each item in the "ThreshR" pull-down menu.  The click script links in Table 3.1 point to the correct location in the document that contains a list and description of all 94 Avenue scripts in the threshr.avx extension.  The script descriptions are the same as the header comments in the actual program code.  Within each script description, there are links to all dialogs and scripts that are called by that script.  Linking to a dialog will show a graphic of what the dialog looks like and which scripts are executed when certain buttons on the dialog are clicked.  Links from tables 3.1 and 3.2 on this page allow a programmer to easily trace the calling sequence of Avenue scripts and dialogs in the AV-ThreshR software.

Dialogs are created using the ArcView Dialog Designer Extension, a free extension available for ArcView 3.x.  Two of the most common components of AV-ThreshR dialogs are text lines and buttons.  At several steps in the process, special scripts have been written so that the dialogs will remember the correct input theme names, as specified in previous steps.       

Many of the scripts in AV-ThreshR were adapted from Scripts available in the public domain.

ThreshR Menu Items Click Script
Setup threshr.loadinputdata
Define Subbasins threshr.rundlg_subbas
Determine Connectivity threshr.rundlg_connect
Compute Subbasin Parameters threshr.rundlg_shdpar
Compute Q2,Q5, etc. threshr.rundlg_peakflow
UG Peak Flow threshr.rundlg_ug
Subbasin Threshold Runoff threshr.rundlg_threshr
Interpolate to HRAP threshr.run_interp
Write FFG ASCII File threshr.exporttoffg

ThreshR-Utility Menu Items Click Script
Clear View Tag threshr.removeviewobjecttag
Pre-Process DEM threshr.rundlg_prepro
Define Basins from Point File threshr.rundlg_refpoint
Gstream to Vstream threshr.gstreamtovstream
Poly/Line Intersect threshr.pointintersect
Snyder Parameters threshr.rundlg_snyd
Flip Arcs threshr.fliparcs
ID Multi-arc Reaches threshr.selmultarcreach
Merge Multi-arc Reaches threshr.mergereacharcs
Identify Problem Cells threshr.problempoints3
Calculate Feature Geometry threshr.calculatefeaturegeometry
Dissolve Dangling Polygons threshr.dissolve
Clip Grid threshr.clipgrid
Clip Polygon threshr.clippoly
Merge Selected Polygons threshr.analysispolygon
Merge Based on Attributes threshr.mergepolygons


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