threshr.accumbasicparams Name: threshr.accumbasicparams Description: Determine the cumulative area for each
Inputs: Subbasin Feature Attribute Table: shdftab
Outputs: cumulative basin centroid shapefile
threshr.usgsslopeNumber of lines: 523 threshr.addfields Name: threshr.addfields Headline: Self: Returns: Description: Adding fields fields required for pre-processing to river and watershed shapefiles. Script not required if C++ program IdUpStream is available Topics: Search Keys: Requires: History: 07/08/1999 modified version of Yes hydro.DEMPstMdfld Modified. 3/1/97, 7/23/97 Length field, various code formats (DDJ) Subprograms or Dialogs Called: Number of lines: 87 threshr.analysisarea2 Name: threshr.analysisarea2 Description: Define analysis extent based on
Inputs: Basin Theme (bastheme) for which
Outputs: Returns merged shape of analysis area History: Created 3/22/99 by Seann Reed
threshr.analysispolygon Name: threshr.analysispolygon Description: Create an analysis polygon Theme. Essentially a merging
Inputs: Prompts the user to identify a reference basin Theme. Outputs: Creates a polygon theme of the analysis area. History: Created 4/11/99 by Seann Reed
threshr.analysisarea2Number of lines: 57 threshr.backupfile Name: threshr.BackupFile Headline: Self: {ATheme} Returns: nil Description: Backup a shp file. Topics: Search Keys: Requires: History: 3/38/97, ESRI Modified: 4/19/99 by SMR Subprograms or Dialogs Called: Number of lines: 27 threshr.basicparams Name: threshr.basicparams Description: Compute baic parameters that require having
Required inputs
Creates an INFO data table containing the following fields
History: Created Dec. 16 by Seann M. Reed
threshr.tonodetorecNumber of lines: 422 threshr.blank Subprograms or Dialogs Called: Number of lines: 0 threshr.calculatefeaturegeometry Name: threshr.calculatefeaturegeometry Description: Slightly modified version of View.CalculateFeatureGeometry
Title: Calculates feature geometry values Topics: GeoData Description: Calculates area and perimeter for polygon themes
and length
The script will add the fields: Area and Perimeter to polygon themes,
Requires: A View with at least one active theme. You must
have write access
Self: Returns:
threshr.calculatefeaturegeometrysub Name: threshr.calculatefeaturegeometrysub Description: Slightly modified version of View.CalculateFeatureGeometry
Title: Calculates feature geometry values Topics: GeoData Description: Calculates area and perimeter for polygon themes
and length
The script will add the fields: Area and Perimeter to polygon themes,
Requires: A View with at least one active theme. You must
have write access
Self: Returns:
threshr.canunload Subprograms or Dialogs Called: Number of lines: 0 Subprograms or Dialogs Called: Number of lines: 5 threshr.clipgrid Name: threshr.clipgrid Headline: Self: Returns: Description: This program clip a grid Theme based on selected polygons in a polygon coverage. Topics:
threshr.clippoly Name: swbp.clippoly Title: Clips one theme using another polygon theme Topics: GeoData Description: Clips one theme by a selected polygon theme, returning
Requires: Should have a update script to enable only if 2 + themes
Self: Returns: History: Modified from a script called View.ClipThemeonTheme downloaded
threshr.createviewobjecttag Name: threshr.createviewobjecttag Description: Create a dictionary to store input
History: Last modified 11/24/1999 by SMR
threshr.DemPstChkOut Name: threshr.DemPstChkOut Headline: Self: Tool Returns: Description: Identify outlet and head sections Topics: Search Keys: Requires: History: 07/08/1999 slightly modified from Yes hydro.DemPstChkOut Modified. 3/5/97, 7/25/97 - all items, UI (DDJ) Subprograms or Dialogs Called: Number of lines: 95 threshr.dempstmgset1 Name: threshr.DemPstMgSet1 Headline: Self: Returns: Description: This program: (1) creates a list showing the polygons merging sequence that will be used by the program threshr.selectupstream to define a list of polygons and the record numbers of all upstream polygons for each Output: Creates an ASCII file with the name "ord" stands for order Dependencies: History: Create by Zicuan Ye, 11/25/96; Last modified Oct. 7, 1999 by Seann Reed Subprograms or Dialogs Called: Number of lines: 253 threshr.dissolve Name: threshr.dissolve Description: Eliminate dangling polygons. History: Subprograms or Dialogs Called: threshr.calculatefeaturegeometrysubNumber of lines: 39 threshr.dlg.close Description: Generic label button close script (one line) Subprograms or Dialogs Called: Number of lines: 3 Name: Description: Determine basin connectivity Outputs: (1) Adds fields to subbasin and stream shapefiles.
threshr.addfieldsNumber of lines: 393 Subprograms or Dialogs Called: Number of lines: 13 Name: Description: Create subsets of shapefiles from a selected zonal
History: Subprograms or Dialogs Called: Number of lines: 17 Name: Description: (1) Associate ThreshR values with HRAP points in subwatersheds
Outputs: Interpolated HRAP grid. ThreshR attribute field added to the
History: Created July 30, 1999 by Seann Reed, Last Modified Sept. 17,
threshr.setworkdirNumber of lines: 188 Name: Description: Wrapper program for peakflow
Dependencies: threshr.peakflows
threshr.peakflows_stateNumber of lines: 110 Subprograms or Dialogs Called: Number of lines: 11 Name: Headline: Self: Returns: Description: Compute flowdirection grid. SubPrograms: Topics: Search Keys: Requires: History: Created on 4/31/99 Subprograms or Dialogs Called: Number of lines: 48 Name: Headline: Self: Returns: Description: Compute flowdirection grid. SubPrograms: Topics: Search Keys: Requires: History: Created on 4/31/99 Subprograms or Dialogs Called: Number of lines: 79 Name: Headline: Self: Returns: Description: Compute upstream and downstream flowlength grids. SubPrograms: Topics: Search Keys: Requires: History: Created on 5/12/99 Subprograms or Dialogs Called: Number of lines: 75 Subprograms or Dialogs Called: Number of lines: 5 Subprograms or Dialogs Called: Number of lines: 13 Name: Headline: Self: Returns: Description: Delineate watersheds based on an outlet point file. Right now, outlets are snapped to the maximum flowaccumulation cell nearby but only with a maximum snapping distance equal to 1/2 of a cell diagonal length. future modifications might include snapping to a vector line first using Yes subprograms. SubPrograms: Topics: Search Keys: Requires: History: Subprograms or Dialogs Called: threshr.pntsdelineateNumber of lines: 155 Name: Description: Wrapper for the watershed parameters program. (threshr.shdparameters_eff). Dependencies: threshr.shdparameters_eff History: Subprograms or Dialogs Called: threshr.shdparameters_effNumber of lines: 298 Subprograms or Dialogs Called: Number of lines: 37 Subprograms or Dialogs Called: Number of lines: 9 Subprograms or Dialogs Called: Number of lines: 6 Subprograms or Dialogs Called: Number of lines: 15 Subprograms or Dialogs Called: Number of lines: 5 Subprograms or Dialogs Called: Number of lines: 5 threshr.dlg_subbas.lbt_calc.click_opt Name: dlg_subbas.lbt_calc.click_opt Description: Define a stream network based on a user specified
Outputs: Gridded subbasins
History: Created May 6, 1999 by Seann Reed
threshr.calculatefeaturegeometrysubNumber of lines: 218 Subprograms or Dialogs Called: Number of lines: 13 Name: Description: Divide one selected field by another. Outputs: New numeric field (5.2). User is prompted for
History: Created September 24, 1999 Subprograms or Dialogs Called: Number of lines: 7 Subprograms or Dialogs Called: Number of lines: 6 Name: Description: Wrapper program for choosing
threshr.ugNumber of lines: 92 Subprograms or Dialogs Called: Number of lines: 9 threshr.exporttrtoffg Program: threshr.exporttrtoffg Description: Export the threshold runoff to flash flood guidance Subprograms or Dialogs Called: threshr.setworkdirNumber of lines: 95 threshr.fliparcs Name: threshr.fliparcs Description: Flips all arcs in a polyline theme. Creates
Inputs: Polyline theme. Outputs: Polyline theme with flipped arcs. History: Created by Seann Reed on 4/25/99
threshr.getthms Name: hydro.GetThms Self: {TheView,ThmAct,ThmType,ShpType} ThmAct=True, for active thms, False, all thms. ThmType=[FTheme,GTheme,DbTheme] ShpType=[Poly,Line,Point,Mpoint] Returns: A list of Themes of the specified type. Description: Subprogram that Gets a list of themes of specified type. Topics: Search Keys: Requires: History: 4/1/97 Subprograms or Dialogs Called: Number of lines: 67 threshr.GrfAddLine Name: hydro.GrfAddLine Self: {TheView,ShapeV}->nil Returns: a graphic line called Gline Description: Add a graphic line to TheView Topics: Search Keys: Requires: History: 3/30/97 ESRI Subprograms or Dialogs Called: Number of lines: 22 threshr.gridavg ---------------------------------------------------- Name: threshr.gridavg Description: Given an arbitrary
History: Created by Seann Reed 2/8/98; modified for threshr on 12/14/1999
threshr.gstreamtovstream Name: threshr.gstreamtovstream Headline: Self: Menu Returns: Description: Topics: Search Keys: Requires: History: 7/19/97 Subprograms or Dialogs Called: Number of lines: 43 threshr.install Name: threshr.install Description: Install the Threshold runoff Extension. History: Created by Seann Reed on 2/8/98. Modified
threshr.latlon Name: threshr.latlon Description: Report the latitude and longitude of a point clicked with
History: Created March 8, 1999 by Seann Reed
threshr.lfpchsl Name: threshr.lfpchsl Description: Determine the longest flowpath channel
Requires: Called from threshr.shdparameters_recnum
History: Created July 20 by Seann M. Reed, Modified Oct. 11
threshr.loadinputdata Name: threshr.loadinputdata Description: (1)Load Themes and Tables required for threshold
History: Created 9/27/1999 by Seann Reed at HRL
threshr.createviewobjecttagNumber of lines: 179 threshr.make Name: threshr.make Description: Make the ThreshR extension. History: Created by Seann Reed on 2/8/98. Modified
dlg_peakflow") thedialog.setserver(nil) thedialog.findbyname("cbx_qx").empty theavx.add(thedialoNumber of lines: 120 threshr.mergepolygons Name: threshr.mergepolygons Description: Merge polygons with a common attribute. History: Subprograms or Dialogs Called: threshr.calculatefeaturegeometrysubNumber of lines: 58 threshr.mergereacharcs Name: threshr.mergereacharcs Description: Merge reaches composed of multiple arcs. Inputs: A river theme with the "mergeid" attribute. Outputs: A river theme with merged arcs. History: Last modified 11/2/99
threshr.getthmsNumber of lines: 44 threshr.mergeupstream2 Name: threshr.mergeupstream Description: Associated with a Tool. Click on a basin, merge all polygons upstream of that basin, create a new basin theme, a center point theme and also a single arc theme for that basin. History: Created by Seann Reed, Oct. 8, 1999 Last modified: Dec. 6, 1999 Subprograms or Dialogs Called: threshr.getthmsNumber of lines: 135 threshr.peakflows_state Name: threshr.peakflows_state Description: Compute USGS peak flow values for all subbasins. Inputs:
Output: New field with compute peakflow (Qx) value. Comments: Qx values will only be computed for locations
History: Created on May 6, 1999 by Seann Reed
threshr.pntsdelineate Name: threshr.pntsdelineate Headline: Self: Returns: Description: The program delineates multiple watersheds based on outlet points in a shapefile. Dependencies: History: Last modified on April 20, 1999 Subprograms or Dialogs Called: threshr.analysisarea2Number of lines: 114 threshr.pointintersect Name: threshr.pointintersect Description: Intersects a polygon theme and a line
Inputs: One polygon theme and one line theme. Outputs: One point file History: Created by Seann Reed on 4/11/99
threshr.polyavg Name: threshr.polyavg Description: Given an arbitrary
History: Created by Seann Reed 2/8/98; modified for ThreshR 7/14/1999
threshr.problempoints3 Name: threshr.problempoints3 Description: Identify potential problem areas. Where river
Inputs: A river theme. Outputs: River theme gets modified History: Created by Seann Reed on 4/25/99
threshr.qxparams Name: threshr.qxparams Description: For each subbasin, calculate all parameters
Dependencies: threshr.setworkdir,
threshr.readparcode1Number of lines: 354 threshr.raindroptool Name: threshr.raindroptool Description: Use the flow direction grid to trace the path a "rain drop" would follow to the nearest NODATA cell. History: 12/28/96 by ESRI, 1/11/2000 by SMR Subprograms or Dialogs Called: hydro.GrfAddLineNumber of lines: 41 threshr.readparcode1 threshr.readparcode1 Description: Read the parameter code input file and
Called from threshr.shdparameters. SELF is outftab.
threshr.readunithg Name: threshr.readunithg Headline: Self: Returns: Description: Read unit hydrograph ordinates from a file, compute Snyder parameters and write them to an appropriate polygon Theme (if desired). Topics:
Subprograms or Dialogs Called:
threshr.removeviewobjecttag Name: threshr.removeviewobjecttag Description: Remove view object tag History: Created 12/22/1999 by SMR
threshr.rundlg_connect Name: threshr.rundlg_connect Description: Initialize and open dlg_connect dialog Dependencies: threshr.createviewobjecttag
dlg_connectNumber of lines: 35 threshr.rundlg_disagg Name: threshr.rundlg_disagg Description: Initialize and open dlg_disagg Dependencies: threshr.createviewobjecttag
dlg_disaggNumber of lines: 32 threshr.rundlg_peakflow Name: threshr.rundlg_peakflow Description: Initialize and open dlg_peakflow dialog Dependencies: threshr.createviewobjecttag
dlg_peakflowNumber of lines: 35 threshr.rundlg_prepro Subprograms or Dialogs Called: dlg_preproNumber of lines: 8 threshr.rundlg_refpoint Subprograms or Dialogs Called: dlg_refpointNumber of lines: 33 threshr.rundlg_shdpar Name: threshr.rundlg_shdpar Description: Initialize and open dlg_shdpar dialog Dependencies: threshr.createviewobjecttag
dlg_shdparNumber of lines: 84 threshr.rundlg_singlepoint Subprograms or Dialogs Called: dlg_singlepointNumber of lines: 16 threshr.rundlg_singlepoint2 Subprograms or Dialogs Called: dlg_singlepoint2Number of lines: 20 threshr.rundlg_snyd Subprograms or Dialogs Called: dlg_snydNumber of lines: 35 threshr.rundlg_subbas Name: threshr.rundlg_subbas Description: Initialize and load the subbasin dialog. Dependencies: threshr.createviewobjecttag
dlg_subbasNumber of lines: 37 threshr.rundlg_threshr Name: threshr.rundlg_threshr Description: Initialize and open dlg_threshr dialog History: Last modified 11/24/1999 by SMR
dlg_threshrNumber of lines: 22 threshr.rundlg_ug Name: threshr.rundlg_ug Description: Initialize and open threshr.rundlg_ug dialog Dependencies: threshr.createviewobjecttag
dlg_ugNumber of lines: 39 threshr.run_interp Subprograms or Dialogs Called: dlg_interpNumber of lines: 24 threshr.selectupstream Name: threshr.selectupstream Description: Read subbasin order from "shdname.ord" and create a list of polygon record numbers and the record numbers of the polygons that are upstream. Input(s): ASCII file Output(s): ASCII file Dependencies: History: Last modified Oct. 7, 1999 by Seann Reed Subprograms or Dialogs Called: Number of lines: 101 threshr.selmultarcreach Name: threshr.selmultarcreach Description: Given a river theme, label reaches composed
Inputs: A river theme. Outputs: River theme with selected arcs. History: Last modified 11/2/99
threshr.getthmsNumber of lines: 103 threshr.singlepointdelin Name: threshr.singlepointdelin Headline: Self: Returns: Description: Delineate a watershed based on a mouse click by the user. History: Subprograms or Dialogs Called: dlg_singlepointNumber of lines: 93 threshr.singlepointdelin3 Name: threshr.singlepointdelin2 Headline: Self: TOOL/TOOL_Menu Returns: Description: Delineate area draining to a point selected with the mouse. Inputs: flowdirection (required) stream grid (optional) polygon coverage (optional) Dependencies: hydro.snapthmpnt,hydro.grfaddpoly,hydro.wshdelineate,hydro.setsymbl History: Modified version of hydro.pntdelineate Subprograms or Dialogs Called: dlg_singlepoint2Number of lines: 180 threshr.SnapLinPnt Name: threshr.SnapLinPnt Headline: Self: {PntShpV,LineShpV} Returns: Description: Snap points to a line shape. Topics: Search Keys: Requires: History: Original script by Zichuan Ye: hydro.SnapLinPnt 97/1/2 Subprograms or Dialogs Called: Number of lines: 120 threshr.snyderparams Name: threshr.snyderparams Headline: Self: Returns: Description: Read unit hydrograph ordinates from a file, compute Snyder parameters and write them to an appropriate polygon Theme (if desired). The watershed of interest is identified using a mouse click. Topics:
Subprograms or Dialogs Called: threshr.snaplinpntNumber of lines: 299 threshr.tonodetorec Name: threshr.tonoedtorec Description: Create a field that contains the "to" record in the shdftab attribute table given that the to_node and from_node fields exist in a stream line theme that can be joined to the shdftaba. These fields can be created using the StreamtoPolyLineFTab request. History: Created Nov. 22, 1999 by SM Subprograms or Dialogs Called: Number of lines: 60 Name: Description: Compute unit hydrograph peak flow. Inputs:
Comments: History: Created on May 10, 1999 by Seann Reed
threshr.getthmsNumber of lines: 195 threshr.uninstall Name: threshr.uninstall Description: Uninstall the Threshold runoff extension. History: Created by Seann Reed on 2/8/98. Modified
threshr.unload Subprograms or Dialogs Called: Number of lines: 0 threshr.usgsslope Name: threshr.usgsslope Description:
threshr.writefromtoinfo Name: threshr.writefromtoinfo Description: Determine basin connectivity Outputs: Write an ASCII file containing rec_num,grid_code,to_node,and
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