National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Atmospheric River in the Pacific Northwest and Northern Rockies this Weekend

A Pacific storm and atmospheric river will impact the Pacific Northwest states and northern Rockies this weekend, bringing locally heavy low elevations rain and heavy high elevation snow in the mountains. By Sunday over the Interior Northwest, rain combined with snowmelt will increase the risk of flood hazards. Flood Watches are in effect. Read More >


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All times are in Eastern Standard Time (EST).

Weather Observations at NWS Marquette
Current Observation
2/21/25 5:00pm EST
 Temperature: 28.5°FWind Direction:SSW
 Wind Chill: 20.6°FWind Speed: 8 mph
 Dew Point: 11.7°FWind Gust: 19 mph
 Relative Humidity: 49%
 Barometric Pressure: 30.29 inches
 Rainfall: 15min: 0.00"1hr: 0.00"3hr: 0.00"24hr: 0.00"

Today (since Midnight EST)
 Maximum Temperature: 28.5°F  at 5:00pmRainfall: 0.00 inches
 Minimum Temperature:
-6.1°F  at 7:45am
Max Instant Rain Rate:
0.00 in/hr  at 12:00am
 Maximum Wind Chill:22.8°F  at 4:10pmMaximum Wind Gust: 19 mph  at 5:00pm
 Minimum Wind Chill:
-10.5°F  at 7:40am
Max Wind Gust Direction:
 Maximum Dew Point: 12.8°F  at 10:25amMax Barometric Pressure: 30.55 inches
 Minimum Dew Point:
-9.2°F  at 7:45am
Min Barometric Pressure:
30.29 inches
 Maximum Relative Humidity:92%  at 9:55am
 Minimum Relative Humidity: 49%  at 2:35pm

Last 24 Hours
24 hour temperature graph 24 hour rain graph
24 hour dewpoint graph24 hour humidity graph
24 hour wind direction graph 24 hour wind speed graph
24 hour high wind speed graph24 hour barometer graph
Monthly Total  Yearly Total
Note: Does not include liquid-equivalent from frozen precipitation.  
Monthly rain graph Yearly rain graph

The data on this page is obtained from a Davis Weather Station located at the NWS Marquette Weather Forecast Office in Negaunee Township.  This data is unofficial and is provided for general informational purposes only.