Extreme Cold WARNING is in effect for the entire area through Thursday morning. Wind chills and air temperatures will drop as low as 10 degrees. BE PREPARED. For more information, go to our Facebook and Twitter pages or listen to NOAA Weather Radio.
Protect People, Pets, Pipes, and Plants from cold weather. For people - minimize time outdoors; prepared for power outages; and check on elderly and other vulnerable people to make sure they are okay. For pets - keep your pets warm, dry, and indoors as much as possible; ensure their food and water does not freeze; limit outside time and keep them bundled up. For pipes - insulate pipes if possible; open up sink cabinets to expose pipes to heated air; disconnect hoses and turn off water to sprinklers. For plants - know their temperature thresholds and cover them before the cold weather sets in to help retain some heat. BE PREPARED! For more information, go to our Facebook and Twitter pages or listen to NOAA Weather Radio.