National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

In 2017, the Weather-Ready Nation (WRN) Ambassador Initiative surpassed 6,000 WRN Ambassadors. To honor the great work and accomplishments of our WRN Ambassadors, NOAA/NWS is formally recognizing those Ambassadors who have made significant contributions to building a Weather-Ready Nation.

The 2017 Ambassador of Excellence for southeastern Wisconsin is the Ozaukee County Division of Emergency Management. Ozaukee County Emergency Management has exemplified what it means to be a Weather Ready Nation Ambassador. They continually promote weather safety, preparedness, and awareness across southeastern Wisconsin. They also hosted one of the first integrated warning team (IWT) meetings in southeastern Wisconsin. The IWT brought together the NWS, area emergency managers, broadcast meteorologists from the Milwaukee area, school administrators, and other partners to discuss best practices, challenges, and ways to improve preparedness and response. Around 50 partners attended this meeting, and left better prepared to promote a Weather Ready Nation.

The Integrated Warning Team Meeting Hosted in Ozaukee County


By serving as a change agent and leader in their community, Ozaukee County Emergency Management has inspired others to be better prepared for hazardous weather, and continually take action to minimize or even avoid the impacts of extreme weather, water and climate events. To see a map of the Ambassadors of excellence across the county, check here.

If you'd like to learn more about the WRN initiative, check here. If you're part of an organization that would like to help our community become more prepared for hazardous weather, fill out the form here. If you're not quite sure and would like to ask specific questions, please email us at and address your message to Ben Herzog.