National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce


The Germantown Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) received a 50 year Length of Service Award during the Germantown City Council Meeting on December 2nd.  The plant has been a part of the National Weather Service's Cooperative Observer (COOP) Network for 50 years providing continuous daily morning observations which consist of temperature, precipitation and snowfall and snow depth when necessary.  This data set is the backbone of the nation's long term climate record and provides invaluable data to our local office.  We would like to thank the Germantown WWTP for being a valuable participant of the COOP Network for 50 years.

Pictured are Tim Zimmerman (Germantown WWTP Superintendent) and Ben Miller (WFO Milwaukee/Sullivan Observation Program Leader).  We would also like to personally congratulate Tim for being part of the COOP Network for 25 years.  Pictures provided by WFO Milwaukee/Sullivan Meteorologist-in-Charge Kevin Lynott.