Milwaukee/Sullivan, WI
Weather Forecast Office
What's New?
Flood Inundation Maps are now available for 2 locations in Cedarburg in Ozaukee county in southeast Wisconsin: The Cedar Creek in Cedarburg and the Milwaukee River near Cedarburg. These interactive maps will help convey the impacts of flooding for local officials and property owners. Use it to answer questions like, " What roads may be impacted at 11 feet?" or "If the river reaches 12 feet, how may my property be affected?". This service is also available for parts of the Rock River and Fox River.
How You Find It
Go to our main webpage and Select the Rivers and Lakes tab:
Then select the river gauge you are interested in:
View the observed and forecast river levels. River flooding impacts are listed below the graphic on the webpage.
Then select Inundation Mapping to get to the interactive tool:
Note, below is not a current hydrograph - example only!
Click the map to zoom. Click on the river level on left to view inundation. Click the river to view approximate depth.
How Do You Interpret River Forecasts?
Note, below is not a current forecast - example only!
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Milwaukee/Sullivan, WI
N3533 Hardscrabble Road
Dousman, WI 53118
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