January 1, 2025 Spring and Summer Streamflow Forecasts
Upper Missouri Basin
The high elevation snow pack in the Upper Missouri Basin as of January 1
was below average. The snow pack in the St. Mary Basin was 94 percent,
and the Milk River Basin was 67 percent.
December precipitation across the Upper Missouri Basin was below average.
Basin precipitation summaries for the Missouri Basin include: Milk St. Mary,
69 percent; Milk Canada, 88 percent; Lower Milk, 102 percent; above Toston,
63 percent; Toston to Ft. Peck, 88 percent.
December 2024 Upper Missouri Mean Precip Oct-Dec WY2025 Upper Missouri Mean Precip
Stream flow in the Upper Missouri Basin is forecast to be
below average during the upcoming Spring and Summer.
The St. Mary River is forecast to have 58 percent of average
April-September flows. Runoff is expected to range around
73 percent of average for the Missouri Basin above Fort Peck,
Upper Missouri January 1, 2025 Spring and Summer Streamflow Forecasts
Of the four major irrigation reservoirs in Montana; Lima
Reservoir had 102 percent average storage, Clark Canyon was
holding 93 percent of average water, Gibson Reservoir had 26
percent of average stored water, and Fresno Reservoir had
27 percent of average stored water.
Yellowstone Basin
The high elevation snow pack in the Yellowstone Basin was below toabove average
on January 1. The snow pack in the Upper Yellowstone Basin was 55 percent
of average. The snow packs in the Wind, Bighorn, and Shoshone Basins were 71,
69, and 63 percent of average, respectively. The snow packs in the Tongue
and Powder basins were 66 and 60 percent of average, respectively.
Precipitation during December was below to above average. The upper Yellowstone
River Basin received 54 percent of average precipitation while the
Lower Yellowstone River Basin reported 144 percent of average. The
Bighorn Basin received 43 percent of average precipitation while the
Wind River Basin received 64 percent of average. The Little Bighorn -
Upper Tongue Basin received 54 percent of average, and the Powder River
had 65 percent of average precipitation.
December 2024 Yellowstone Mean Precip Oct-Dec WY2025 Yellowstone Mean Precip
Forecast stream flow in the Yellowstone Basin is below average
for the upcoming Spring and Summer. Stream flow for the
Yellowstone River above Sidney, Montana is forecast to be about
60 percent of average. Flow in the Tongue Basin is expected to be
60 percent of average. Flows in the Powder River are expected
to be about 40 percent of average.
Monthend storage at Boysen Reservoir was 108 percent of average.
Stored water in Buffalo Bill Reservoir was 106 percent of average.
Monthend storage was 102 percent of average at Bighorn Reservoir.
Yellowstone January 1, 2025 Spring and Summer Streamflow Forecasts
Platte Basin
The high elevation snow pack in the Upper North Platte Basin was
89 percent of average on January 1. The snow pack in the North Platte
Basin below Seminoe Reservoir was 79 percent of average. The snow
pack in the South Platte Basin was 99 percent of average.
Precipitation during December in the Upper North Platte Basin was 75
percent of average. In the Lower North Platte Basin, precipitation
was 52 percent of average. The North Platte Plains below Guernsy
Reservoir had 8 percent. The South Platte Mountains had 56
percent whereas the Plains had 7 percent of average December
December 2024 Platte Mean Precip Oct-Dec WY2025 Platte Mean Precip
Stream flow in the Platte Basin is forecast to be below
average during the upcoming Spring and Summer. Runoff
for streams above Seminoe Reservoir are expected to be
about 72 percent of average. Streams in the South Platte
Basin above South Platte, Colorado can expect 88 percent
of average flow. For the remainder of the South Platte
basin, flows are expected near 87 percent.
Stored water in the South Platte Basin was 112 percent of average
on January 1.
North Platte Streamflow Fcst South Platte Streamflow Fcst
WATER SUPPLY FORECAST NWS MISSOURI BASIN RIVER FORECAST CENTER PLEASANT HILL MISSOURI 1451 CST THURSDAY JANUARY 02, 2025 DATA CURRENT AS OF: JANUARY 01, 2025 MISSOURI/YELLOWSTONE/PLATTE RIVER BASIN FORECASTS 50% % 10% 90% AVG FORECAST POINT PERIOD (KAF) AVG (KAF) (KAF) (KAF) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Boysen Resvr Inflow Apr-Sep 285 40 746 114 720 SBDW4 Boysen Resvr Inflow Apr-Sep 688 77 1229 379 890 SBDW4N Bighorn R at Kane Apr-Sep 689 70 1088 393 985 LVEW4 Bighorn R at Kane Apr-Sep 1204 84 1948 686 1440 LVEW4N Greybull R at Meeteetse Apr-Sep 126 64 204 54 196 MEEW4 Greybull R at Meeteetse Apr-Sep 126 61 204 54 205 MEEW4N Buffalo Bill Resvr Inflow Apr-Sep 406 50 703 238 815 CDYW4 Buffalo Bill Resvr Inflow Apr-Sep 490 54 795 304 910 CDYW4N Keyhole Resvr Inflow Apr-Sep 6 150 16 2 4 KEYW4 St. Mary R nr Babb Apr-Sep 321 70 435 269 460 SMYM8 St. Mary R nr Babb Apr-Sep 314 59 429 261 535 SMYM8N St. Mary R at Intl Boundary Apr-Sep 234 60 377 175 390 SMBM8 St. Mary R at Intl Boundary Apr-Sep 363 55 500 303 660 SMBM8N Milk R nr Western Crossing Apr-Sep 12 11 34 5 113 PDBM8 Milk R nr Western Crossing Apr-Sep 17 41 48 8 41 PDBM8N Milk R nr Eastern Crossing Apr-Sep 144 67 209 135 215 ERNM8 Milk R nr Eastern Crossing Apr-Sep 37 33 132 17 112 ERNM8N North Platte R nr Northgate Apr-Sep 224 91 416 83 245 NGTC2 North Platte R nr Northgate Apr-Sep 276 94 468 122 295 NGTC2N Encampment R nr Encampment Apr-Sep 101 65 149 53 156 ECRW4 Encampment R nr Encampment Apr-Sep 112 67 159 64 166 ECRW4N Rock Cr nr Arlington Apr-Sep 37 70 53 22 53 KCRW4 Rock Cr nr Arlington Apr-Sep 37 70 53 23 53 KCRW4N Seminoe Resvr Inflow Apr-Sep 583 76 865 211 765 SETW4 Seminoe Resvr Inflow Apr-Sep 738 80 1027 338 920 SETW4N Laramie R nr Woods Landing Apr-Sep 49 45 113 16 108 WODW4 Laramie R nr Woods Landing Apr-Sep 84 59 148 43 142 WODW4N Little Laramie R nr Filmore Apr-Sep 50 91 90 29 55 SMTW4 Little Laramie R nr Filmore Apr-Sep 52 91 92 31 57 SMTW4N Antero Resvr Inflow Apr-Sep 15 107 24 9 14 ANRC2 Antero Resvr Inflow Apr-Sep 15 107 24 9 14 ANRC2N Spinney Mountain Resvr Inflow Apr-Sep 50 88 97 29 57 SPYC2 Spinney Mountain Resvr Inflow Apr-Sep 44 98 92 23 45 SPYC2N Elevenmile Canyon Resvr Inflow Apr-Sep 41 69 72 32 59 EVNC2 Elevenmile Canyon Resvr Inflow Apr-Sep 47 94 96 24 50 EVNC2N Cheesman Lk Inflow Apr-Sep 49 49 102 30 100 CHEC2 Cheesman Lk Inflow Apr-Sep 81 87 156 48 93 CHEC2N S Platte R at S Platte Apr-Sep 307 128 396 269 240 SPTC2 S Platte R at S Platte Apr-Sep 155 76 263 86 205 SPTC2N Bear Cr at Morrison Apr-Sep 15 58 31 7 26 MRRC2 Bear Cr at Morrison Apr-Sep 15 58 31 7 26 MRRC2N Clear Cr at Golden Apr-Sep 96 81 142 55 118 GLDC2 Clear Cr at Golden Apr-Sep 109 83 157 63 131 GLDC2N St. Vrain Cr at Lyons Apr-Sep 62 78 92 39 79 LNSC2 St. Vrain Cr at Lyons Apr-Sep 88 81 126 60 109 LNSC2N Boulder Cr nr Orodell Apr-Sep 38 81 60 26 47 OROC2 Boulder Cr nr Orodell Apr-Sep 53 102 77 37 52 OROC2N S Boulder Cr nr Eldorado Sprgs Apr-Sep 31 89 42 17 35 BELC2 S Boulder Cr nr Eldorado Sprgs Apr-Sep 32 80 50 17 40 BELC2N Cache La Poudre at Canyon Mouth Apr-Sep 162 150 259 87 108 FTDC2 Cache La Poudre at Canyon Mouth Apr-Sep 202 96 306 99 210 FTDC2N Lima Resvr Inflow Apr-Sep 40 53 67 20 76 LRRM8 Lima Resvr Inflow Apr-Sep 40 51 67 20 79 LRRM8N Clark Canyon Resvr Inflow Apr-Sep 46 42 63 36 110 CLKM8 Clark Canyon Resvr Inflow Apr-Sep 95 48 136 54 198 CLKM8N Beaverhead R at Barretts Apr-Sep 136 68 149 126 199 BARM8 Beaverhead R at Barretts Apr-Sep 123 44 165 77 280 BARM8N Ruby R Resvr Inflow Apr-Sep 70 80 83 49 88 ALRM8 Ruby R Resvr Inflow Apr-Sep 70 72 83 49 97 ALRM8N Big Hole R nr Melrose Apr-Sep 344 58 513 196 595 MLRM8 Big Hole R nr Melrose Apr-Sep 409 62 580 264 660 MLRM8N Hebgen Resvr Inflow Apr-Sep 378 81 480 261 465 HBDM8 Hebgen Resvr Inflow Apr-Sep 378 81 480 261 465 HBDM8N Ennis Resvr Inflow Apr-Sep 621 87 728 456 715 ELMM8 Ennis Resvr Inflow Apr-Sep 653 89 810 455 730 ELMM8N Gallatin R nr Gateway Apr-Sep 299 63 372 234 475 GLGM8 Gallatin R nr Gateway Apr-Sep 299 63 372 234 475 GLGM8N Gallatin R at Logan Apr-Sep 282 56 411 178 505 LOGM8 Gallatin R at Logan Apr-Sep 442 68 559 316 650 LOGM8N Missouri R at Toston Apr-Sep 1312 64 1837 764 2060 TOSM8 Missouri R at Toston Apr-Sep 1967 70 2560 1311 2830 TOSM8N Missouri R at Fort Benton Apr-Sep 1815 59 2072 1642 3060 FBNM8 Missouri R at Fort Benton Apr-Sep 2964 72 3711 2066 4100 FBNM8N Missouri R nr Virgelle Apr-Sep 1938 57 2312 1753 3420 VRGM8 Missouri R nr Virgelle Apr-Sep 3369 74 4272 2350 4560 VRGM8N Missouri R nr Landusky Apr-Sep 2069 56 2508 1813 3680 LDKM8 Missouri R nr Landusky Apr-Sep 3559 73 4524 2463 4890 LDKM8N Missouri R below Fort Peck Dam Apr-Sep 2282 59 2719 1929 3840 FPKM8 Missouri R below Fort Peck Dam Apr-Sep 3807 73 4769 2612 5180 FPKM8N Gibson Resvr Inflow Apr-Sep 239 53 445 154 450 AGSM8 Gibson Resvr Inflow Apr-Sep 239 53 445 154 450 AGSM8N Marias R nr Shelby Apr-Sep 215 49 484 127 435 SHLM8 Marias R nr Shelby Apr-Sep 260 53 539 158 490 SHLM8N Musselshell R at Harlowton Apr-Sep 36 45 75 22 80 HLWM8 Musselshell R at Harlowton Apr-Sep 47 49 87 31 95 HLWM8N Yellowstone R at Yellowstone Lk Apr-Sep 238 29 342 153 815 YLOW4 Yellowstone R at Yellowstone Lk Apr-Sep 426 51 600 270 840 YLOW4N Yellowstone R at Corwin Sprgs Apr-Sep 1040 53 1412 722 1980 CORM8 Yellowstone R at Corwin Sprgs Apr-Sep 1290 62 1723 864 2070 CORM8N Yellowstone R at Livingston Apr-Sep 1225 53 1589 867 2290 LIVM8 Yellowstone R at Livingston Apr-Sep 1531 63 2000 1068 2440 LIVM8N Yellowstone R at Billings Apr-Sep 1874 46 2733 1219 4070 BILM8 Yellowstone R at Billings Apr-Sep 2809 59 3799 2020 4790 BILM8N Yellowstone R at Miles City Apr-Sep 2862 49 4828 2043 5850 MILM8 Yellowstone R at Miles City Apr-Sep 4821 63 7875 3505 7690 MILM8N Yellowstone R at Sidney Apr-Sep 2819 49 4759 1892 5710 SIDM8 Yellowstone R at Sidney Apr-Sep 5022 62 8197 3546 8060 SIDM8N Boulder R at Big Timber Apr-Sep 182 54 247 121 335 BTMM8 Boulder R at Big Timber Apr-Sep 223 59 289 162 375 BTMM8N Stillwater R nr Absarokee Apr-Sep 252 47 334 143 540 SRAM8 Stillwater R nr Absarokee Apr-Sep 306 51 393 203 595 SRAM8N Clks Fk Yellowstone R nr Belfry Apr-Sep 352 57 571 231 620 BFYM8 Clks Fk Yellowstone R nr Belfry Apr-Sep 421 61 643 305 695 BFYM8N Bighorn R nr St. Xavier Apr-Sep 767 54 989 608 1430 STXM8 Bighorn R nr St. Xavier Apr-Sep 1690 69 2660 1107 2460 STXM8N Little Bighorn R nr Hardin Apr-Sep 85 67 260 52 127 HRDM8 Little Bighorn R nr Hardin Apr-Sep 85 67 260 52 127 HRDM8N Tongue R nr Dayton Apr-Sep 58 60 74 40 96 DAYW4 Tongue R nr Dayton Apr-Sep 64 63 80 46 101 DAYW4N Tongue R nr Decker Apr-Sep 96 41 157 48 235 DSLM8 Tongue R nr Decker Apr-Sep 141 59 207 83 240 DSLM8N Tongue R Resvr Inflow Apr-Sep 99 42 167 49 235 DKRM8 Tongue R Resvr Inflow Apr-Sep 144 59 216 84 245 DKRM8N Powder R at Moorhead Apr-Sep 81 36 223 25 225 MHDM8 Powder R at Moorhead Apr-Sep 108 40 254 34 270 MHDM8N Powder R nr Locate Apr-Sep 96 37 277 33 260 LOCM8 Powder R nr Locate Apr-Sep 122 40 308 38 305 LOCM8N Locations with an `N` suffix indicate natural flows excluding stream augmentations. KAF: Thousands of Acre-feet %AVG: Current 50%/AVG AVG: Average(50%) seasonal runoff voulme as simulated by the river forecast model considering acontinuous simulation of the basin response to historic climate data (observed precipitation and temperatures) over the period of 1991-2020. The 50%, 10% and 90% columns indicate the probability that the actual volume will exceed the forecast for the valid time period. Beginning April 1, May and June official forecasts include observed runoff volume up to official forecast date. For more information, please visit: www.weather.gov/mbrfc/water