National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce


Accumulated Precipitation

SnoTel Observed Point Data

Accumulated Precip

Accum daily points represent the accumulated daily 24-hour precipitation reports for this gage (SHEF code PPD)
Pcpn accum data points are the precipitation accumulator counter values for this gage (SHEF code PCI)
SWE data line is the daily snow water equivalent values for the current water year* for this gage (SHEF code SW)
WY 20XX swe and WY 20YY swe are the two previous water year swe values for this gage.
Plots could show up to four previous snow water equivalent lines.

The RFC snow-17 model computes mean areal snow water equivalent values using precipitation and temperature data for simulating the water content of the snow pack. These plots help the RFC forecaster in making adjustments to the river model.
*Water year(WY) is defined as the 12-month period October 1, for any given year through September 30, of the following year. The water year is designated by the calendar year in which it ends and which includes 9 of the 12 months.