National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce


The National Weather Service
Baltimore/Washington Forecast Office and
Sterling Field Support Center


Invite you to attend our 2016 Open House
"Building Community Awareness to Reduce Hazardous Weather Impacts”


Saturday April 30th
9 A.M. - 5 P.M.

Sunday May 1st
Noon - 5 P.M.

**Rain or shine**


National Weather Service
43858 Weather Service Road
Sterling, Virginia 20166
Free Parking On-Site

Shuttle provided for those with difficulty walking


 No Drugs, Weapons, Alcohol, Bags of any Sort or Smoking Allowed on Premises.
No Pets Allowed. Service Animals Permitted.
Attendees and Personal Belongings Subject to Search.
No Overnight Parking. Vehicles left will be towed at Owner's Expense.


There will be a Weather-Ready Nation Ceremony on
Saturday at 2 pm, featuring:

John Murphy, Chief Operating Officer - U.S. National Weather Service
Doug Hill, Chief Meteorologist - ABC7/WJLA-TV
Kevin Johnson, Director of Emergency Management - Loudoun County VA
and James Lee, Meteorologist in Charge - NWS Baltimore/Washington

Things to do

* Learn how Warnings & Forecasts are Made

* Watch a Weather Balloon Launch Every Hour

* Child-Friendly Weather Experiments

* Tours of the Forecast Office & Field Support Center

* Investigate our Cat 4 Hurricane Wind Tunnel & chambers to simulate extreme weather

* Presentations covering topics including careers in meteorology, severe storms, hurricanes, marine and coastal flooding forecasting, river and flash flooding, and winter weather including a Blizzard 2016 review.

* Attend a SKYWARN® Basic Spotter classes to become a weather spotter for us!


SKYWARN® Spotter Classes

We will be hosting two Basic/Introduction to Storm Spotting classes, Saturday at 11:30 A.M. and Sunday at 2:00 P.M. The classes are free of charge and require no prior experience. We are currently full but will fill any seats on the spot if people do not show up.


Presentation Schedule - Forecast Office
**Registration is not required for any class other than SKYWARN**


Saturday, April 30th

Sunday, May 1st

Tour Schedule - Field Support Center
**Registration is not required, tour times may change**

Saturday, April 30th

Sunday, May 1st