704 AXUS71 KLWX 201828 DGTLWX DCC001-MDC001-003-005-009-013-015-017-021-023-025-027-031-033-037- 043-510-VAC003-013-015-043-047-059-061-069-079-091-099-107-113- 125-137-139-153-157-165-171-177-179-187-510-540-600-630-660-683- 790-820-840-WVC003-023-027-031-037-057-065-071-271830- Drought Information Statement National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 228 PM EDT Thu Mar 20 2025 For the latest Drought Information Statement from the National Weather Service in Baltimore MD/Washington DC, see: www.weather.gov/media/lwx/DGT/DGT_LWX_03202025.pdf For the latest accessible, text-only Drought Information Statement from the National Weather Service in Baltimore MD/Washington DC, see: www.weather.gov/media/lwx/DGT/DGT_LWX_03202025.txt National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC Drought Information Statement web page: www.weather.gov/lwx/DroughtInformationStatement $$
Current drought status for our area: (Graphics update every Thursday)
Graphics by State:
Rainfall (or melted snowfall), in inches, for the next seven days: (graphic updates twice daily)
Seasonal Drought Outlook: