A significant arctic outbreak will arrive in the northern Rockies and northern Plains on Thanksgiving into Friday and advance farther south and east through much of the Plains and Midwest this weekend. Dangerous wind chill temperatures are expected with a significant long duration lake effect snow event possible downwind of the Great Lakes. Severe thunderstorms may be possible in the Southeast. Read More >
Biggest takeaway:
This is a routine occurrence/hazard that needs a plan - otherwise, you are putting your people's lives at risk. When Thunder Roars - Go Indoors (or into your vehicle). Nearly all lightning deaths occur outside - from people disregarding their risk, or thinking they have a few minutes more. The most deadly strikes are often the first few before the rain begins.
Warning/Trigger for Plan:
There is no NWS warning for lightning threat, but nature has its own warning - thunder.
Advance Notice/Time to Activate & Accomplish Your Planned Response:
Typically 5-30 minutes
Frequency: ~ 20 times/year at various time of day & night