A significant arctic outbreak will arrive in the northern Rockies and northern Plains on Thanksgiving into Friday and advance farther south and east through much of the Plains and Midwest this weekend. Dangerous wind chill temperatures are expected with a significant long duration lake effect snow event possible downwind of the Great Lakes. Severe thunderstorms may be possible in the Southeast. Read More >
Biggest takeaway:
Flash flooding in particular (rapidly rising & moving water) is a very deadly threat, killing more people than many other weather threats combined. Most people die from driving into water, or being drawn to the power/unusual nature of the water - kids want to play around it & adults want to get close & take pictures. One badly placed foothold can be grabbed by the torrent and pull the person in. Camping by a small stream or river is also very dangerous when flash flooding is possible. Intense flash flooding can also create landslides.
Warning/Trigger for Plan:
NWS Flash Flood Warning
…also may need actions for NWS Flood Warning (though inundation more gradual)
Advance Notice/Time to Activate & Accomplish Your Planned Response:
Typically 30-60 minutes
~0-5/year at various times of day & night.
How Accurate Warnings?
If there is flash flooding, there almost certainly will be a Flash Flood Warning issued beforehand. That said a little more than 1/3 are false alarms.