Steps to Becoming A Skywarn Spotter:

The National Weather Service encourages anyone with an interest in public service and access to communication, such HAM radio, to join the SKYWARN® program. Volunteers include police and fire personnel, dispatchers, EMS workers, public utility workers and other concerned private citizens. Individuals affiliated with hospitals, schools, churches, nursing homes or who have a responsibility for protecting others are also encouraged to become a spotter.
- Complete the 2 Online National Skywarn Training Modules.
The courses are “The Role of the Skywarn Spotter” and “Skywarn Spotter Convective Basics”. The courses will require you to register with the
Meted Training Site.
- Complete the 5 NWS Lubbock Skywarn Modules.
HERE to view these modules.
- Attend one of our live Skywarn training sessions.
or attend an online GoToMeeting webinar training session. Note that all sessions are online in 2021. View the live Skywarn training schedule
- Register with the Spotter Network.
This is not required, but doing this will allow NWS Lubbock to be able to contact you for reports and information, and will provide you with another method of contacting us.
- Contact the local or county Emergency Management Coordinator (EMC) in your area.
Your local and county officials can provide additional information about how spotter groups are organized in your community. Many spotter groups in the small communities in West Texas are led by local volunteer firefighters with assistance from law enforcement, amateur radio operators, and other community volunteers such as
CERT volunteers.
Basic Spotter Training WEBINAR: To Be Announced
- Advanced Spotter Training WEBINAR: To Be Announced