National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce



Metcalfe County is covered by 3 Weather Radio Stations:

Horse Cave (For North and West Metcalfe County)

  • Frequency: 162.500 MHz
  • Channel: 5
  • FIPS: 021169

Burkesville (For South Metcalfe County)

  • Frequency: 162.475 MHz
  • Channel: 4
  • FIPS: 021169

Campbellsville (For far North and East Metcalfe County)

  • Frequency: 162.525 MHz
  • Channel: 7
  • FIPS: 021169

Warnings and forecasts for Metcalfe County are issued by our office and broadcast on each of these transmitters.

The strength and quality of the broadcast from each transmitter will depend on your distance from the transmitter, terrain, and other local effects. Tune your radio to the broadcast that comes in most clearly and reliably at your location and provides the most representative weather information.

List of Counties

Weather Radio Home Page