Louisville, KY
Weather Forecast Office
April 3, 2018
County: Grayson
EF-Scale: EF1
Deaths: 0
Injuries: 0
Path width: 100 yards
Path length: 0.5 mile
Time: 6:52pm - 6:53pm CDT
Notes: This tornado touched down near several large metal outbuildings destroying two and heavily damaging two others. Insulation from the largest building was spattered onto the south and east facing walls and vehicles on the east side of the complex. Metal roofing material was lofted into nearby trees and spread up to a quarter mile to the east. Beyond the initial touchdown area, only minor roof damage and tree damage in the form of uprooted trees and snapped trunks, occurred before the funnel lifted at Childress Road.
April 3, 2018
County: Boyle
EF-Scale: EF1
Deaths: 0
Injuries: 0
Path width: 100 yards
Path length: 0.5 mile
Time: 9:34pm - 9:35pm EDT
Notes: Touchdown was on a hill along KY 1822 where a large hay barn was destroyed, a medium sized barn was damaged, and fencing was destroyed. The tornado then did some damage to trees and a grain silo. An antique horse sled was picked up and moved about 10 feet. The tornado then struck a residence on the east side of KY 1822 and lifted off the roof. Insulation from the roof was thrown eastward and also rotated back and covered the back of the house. Farther east on Webster Road another residence sustained significant roof, gutter, and siding damage. Pine trees were snapped.
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