Louisville, KY
Weather Forecast Office
October 29, 1883
Counties: Bourbon
F-scale: F1
Deaths: 2
Injuries: 1
Path width:
Path length: 6 miles
Time: 2:00am
Grazulis Narrative: Tornado moved from "Husto" to "Kinney Station". Two people were killed in one rural building. Most of the path was through dense forest.
NWS Notes: While Lexington newspapers listed the many farms that were struck by the tornado (or its attendant straight-line winds), no road names and few references to nearby towns were given. However, Grazulis's "Kinney Station" was likely Kenney Station, which today is Monterey, located 4 miles southwest of Paris. "Husto" was possibly Huston, named for a local landowner with that name, though it is unclear exactly where Huston was located, though it may have been where Paris sits today. Lexington newspapers stated that the "cyclone did great damage," including unroofing J. L. Taylor's clothing store across the street from the courthouse in Paris. Warehouses were unroofed along Stoner's Creek. G. W. Bedford's barn was blown down, and an old stone house on the Clay Farm was destroyed, killing two people inside the house (Maria Johnson and a young boy). The Morris Gass Farm also received damage. The cyclone moved from south to north "over the lower edge" of Paris. Several buildings were unroofed. The warehouse of Mr. Tarr was completely destroyed. "Several church spires were bent, while the dome on the courthouse rocked to and fro at an alarming rate. The track of the cyclone was very narrow." It appears that tornadoes may have also struck Franklin, Anderson, and Fayette Counties on this day.
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