National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

September was a typically quiet fall month this year, with overall average temperatures running near normal. The most significant storm system swept through on the 2nd-3rd as low pressure traveled along a slow-moving cold front over the Ohio Valley. Many locations, including Louisville, received between one and two inches of rain. The big winners, however, were Perry County, IN, and Hancock County, KY, with over three inches of rain. In Jeffersontown, KY, a culvert failed causing the road above it to wash out, leaving a chasm several feet across.

On the 13th thunderstorms ahead of a cold front dropped over three inches of rain on Casey County, causing dangerous flooding in Liberty and several other locations.

A La Nina Advisory was issued for this upcoming winter.

White Squirrel Weather was named a WeatherReady Nation Ambassador of Excellence.

  Average Temperature Departure from Normal Precipitation Departure from Normal
Bowling Green 70.5° +0.4° 1.87" -2.06"
Frankfort 68.8° +1.2° 1.77" -1.56"
Lexington 66.8° -1.3° 4.21" +1.30"
Louisville Ali 71.3° +0.3° 3.18" +0.13"
Louisville Bowman 69.8° +0.2° 2.41" -0.75"



2nd: Warm low of 74° at Bowling Green
3rd: Rainfall of 2.32" at Louisville


Mike Crow retirement dinner

On the 26th, workmates, friends, and family wished WFO Louisville's Operations Program Leader, Mike Crow, a happy retirement. The weather was perfect for an outdoor supper at a local Louisville restaurant.