National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce


Severe storms are expected to affect much of the area overnight with tornadoes, large hail, damaging winds, and cloud-to-ground lightning possible. Ensure wireless emergency alerts are enabled on your cell phone. If you have a NOAA Weather Radio, set it to alert mode so you can be awakened if a warning is issued.

Severe weather that occurs overnight can increase personal vulnerability and have significant potential impact on the public. This is due to:

  - Public is less likely to receive warnings overnight as many people are asleep.

  - Tornadoes are much more difficult to spot at night.

  - People who are inside vulnerable housing/building structures such as mobile homes.

  - Nighttime tornadoes are more likely to cause fatalities than daytime tornadoes.

  - People often are less aware of severe storm potential in the winter season.

Stay tuned to the National Weather Service for the latest information. Have a plan of action in place and ready to go if severe weather threatens or a warning is issued. More tornado safety information can be found at this link.