National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Nicholas County

100 mph straight-line winds

The first damage occurred two miles west of Carlisle where a barn and a trailer had their roofs blown off and a manufacturing company suffered significant roof damage.  Tree and barn damage occurred on KY 32 and KY 1465 north of Carlisle.

The most significant damage happened three miles northeast of Carlisle near the intersection of KY 32 and Stoney Ridge Road.  A small barn was completely destroyed and blown into the highway.  Several other barns had their roofs removed.  A car was blow 15 feet into a telephone pole by the winds.

Damage Photos:

(click on the image for a larger version)

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Do you have any damage photos from the storms that hit Nicholas County on February 5 and 6, 2008?  If so, feel free to share them with us!