Louisville, KY
Weather Forecast Office
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Historical Veterans Day Weather | ![]() |
Louisville | Lexington | Bowling Green | Frankfort | |
Highest Temperature | 77 in 1927, 1949, and 2010 | 75 in 1949 | 80 in 1927 | 76 in 1927 |
Highest Average Temperature | 68 in 1949 | 66.5 in 1927 | 70 in 1927 | 68.5 in 1927 |
Lowest Temperature | 21 in 1957 and 1960 | 20 in 1933 | 19 in 1926 and 1960 | 17 in 1957 |
Lowest Average Temperature | 30.5 in 1950 | 28.5 in 1926 | 31.5 in 1926 and 1950 | 28.5 in 1950 and 1996 |
Wettest | 2.12" in 2004 | 1.50" in 2004 | 1.50" in 2004 | 1.76" in 2004 |
Snowiest | 0.9" in 2019 | 1.6" in 2019 | 1.2" in 2019 | |
Deepest Snow Depth | 0 | T in 1987 and 1996 | 0 |
Detailed weather for each Veterans Day:
Ice in Leavenworth, Indiana on November 14, 2018. Photo: Wade Bell
Note on the data presented here:
At Bowling Green and Frankfort data presented here may differ from data presented elsewhere. That is due primarily to "time shifting," which is when observers give their 24-hour reports at 7am. The high temperature, for example, may be given by the observer as 80 degrees on the 7am report on June 1, meaning that the 80 degree reading actually happened on the calendar day of May 31 (the previous afternoon). Unfortunately that high temperature may have gone into the climatological record as having happened on June 1, since that is the date of the report. Additionally, data may be time shifted for only a portion of a location's history.
An additional problem at Bowling Green is that there have been many observers over the years, occasionally simultaneously, and a difference can arise depending on which observer's data are used.
These issues are not present at Louisville and Lexington.
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