National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Frost/Freeze Information for Frankfort, Kentucky

Latest spring frost (36°):  June 1, 1966
Latest spring freeze (32°):  May 22, 2002
Latest spring hard freeze (28°):   May 9, 2020
Earliest final spring frost (36°):  April 7, 1896
Earliest final spring freeze (32°):  March 25, 1912
Earliest final spring hard freeze (28°):  February 26, 1905
Earliest fall frost (36°):  September 14, 1902
Earliest fall freeze (32°):  September 25, 1896
Earliest fall hard freeze (28°):  October 11, 1906 and October 11, 1964
Latest first fall frost (36°):  November 8, 1985
Latest first fall freeze (32°):  November 13, 1986
Latest first fall hard freeze (28°):  December 4, 1899
Longest growing season:   216 days in 1929
Shortest growing season:   158 days in 1942


Temperature chances

Midwest Regional Climate Center Freeze Date Tool


 first fall 28

first 32

last 28

last 32

Areawide Frost/Freeze Information
Below is a series of maps showing average first and last dates for selected temperature thresholds.  Data were taken from about fifty area observing sites.  The data used were from each site's entire period of record (often stretching back into the 19th Century), and thus are averages rather than normals.  Due to the limited number of points for which data are available, there is some "bullseyeing" on the map.  These maps are for general information purposes only.  For more precise information for your exact location, consult the Kentucky Climate Center or the Indiana State Climate Office.

   Last 28 degree temperature in the spring
   Last 32 degree temperature in the spring
   Last 36 degree temperature in the spring
   First 36 degree temperature in the fall
   First 32 degree temperature in the fall
   First 28 degree temperature in the fall


Two tables of graphs follow.  The first shows average dates of last spring freeze/hard freeze and first fall freeze/hard freeze.  The y-axis shows how many times that event has occurred during each week given on the x-axis.  For example, the last spring freeze in Frankfort has occurred during the week of April 8-14 27 times (since available records began in 1895).

The second table shows how these average dates have changed over time.  We broke the historical record down into decades, and found the average date for each decade.  The average for the entire period of record is shown with a red line, for comparison.  Only decades with sufficient data were used.

Last spring freeze in Frankfort Last spring 28 degree temperature in Frankfort
First fall freeze in Frankfort Average date of first 28 degree temperature in Frankfort



Average date of last spring freeze in Frankfort, decadal Average date of last 28 degree temperature in Frankfort, decadal
Average date of first fall freeze in Frankfort, decadal Average date of first fall hard freeze in Frankfort, decadal