National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

EXCESSIVE HEAT: Wet Bulb Globe Temperature & Heat Index

The Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) is an indicator of heat-related stress on the human body at work (or play) in direct sunlight. It takes into account multiple atmospheric variables, including temperature, humidity, wind speed, sun angle, and cloud cover.

The Heat Index is more commonly known and is used as an indicator of extreme heat and potential health-related impacts, but only takes into account temperature (measured in the shade) and relative humidity. 

What value should you use? For day-to-day activities, the heat index will serve you well. If you work outside or are planning any sort of vigorous outdoor activity in the full sun, it is better to use the WBGT.

Additional heat resources (courtesy of NWS Springfield, MO) include the NWS Heat Tools two-pager and the NWS WBGT one-pager.

Wet Bulb Globe Temperatures by Parish or County
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