National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce


A line of severe thunderstorms moved through central Nebraska on Tuesday, June 27th. The storms moved
into northeastern Lincoln County and caused a 20 mile length of damage consistent with 80 to 110 mph wind 
speeds  northeast into the community of Arnold, in west central Custer County. A storm damage survey observed 
power poles were downed, many of which were snapped several feet up from the base of the pole and were 
replaced within the past two years. Tree limbs were downed, a few trees uprooted or snapped at the trunk. 
Several buildings sustained roof damage, some metal sheds lost large sections of siding and one shed destroyed.
These findings are preliminary and will be updated as additional information is provided. 

Photos of storm damage taken by Warning Coordination Meteorologist Kelly Allen.


Image Image Image
Supercell 8 SW Callaway Photo by Frank Potter Storm Damage Barn Roof Damage
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