National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Severe Weather Awareness Week

March 27-31, 2017

Severe Weather Awareness Week Packet 2017 is available  at:

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The National Weather Service along with Nebraska Emergency Management have declared March 27 through March 31 as Severe Weather Awareness Week.  

Knowing when severe weather is possible will give you time to prepare!

You can always find the latest forecasts and hazardous weather conditions at If you’re not on your computer, you can access the same information via your mobile device at Wireless Emergency Alerts are life saving messages that will pop up on your mobile phone when you are in a geographic area that is under a Warning. Visit for more information!

Each day during Severe Weather Awareness Week…the National Weather Service in North Platte will cover severe weather topics and have this information available on our webpage as well as on NOAA Weather Radio All Hazards.

Topics which will be covered include…

Monday...Severe Weather Terminology





Saturday...How to Report Severe Weather

The National Weather Service will conduct a Tornado Drill on WEDNESDAY, March 29th, at 10 a.m. with the TEST Tornado Warning drill at 1030 a.m. CDT. The purpose of this drill is to ensure that Nebraskans and Iowans can adequately receive a Tornado Warning and can practice any actions that would be taken in the event of a real tornado. The test warning will be sent through all communication channels normally used for severe weather dissemination.


2017 Severe Weather Awareness Week

Proclamation Signing and Poster Contest

What to Expect

Severe Weather Drill - What To Expect

Poster Contest

Check out the detailed press release for this year's winners of the poster contest.

Poster Contest 2016

1st Place:  H. Johnson, 10, Hebron, Thayer County, Thayer Central 

2nd Place:  S Boerkircher, 8, Hemingford, Box Butte County, Home BACE

3rd Place:  D. Wagner, 10, Creighton, Knox County, Creighton Community

4th Place:  C. Holley, 10, Scotia, Greeley County, Central Valley


There were 45 tornadoes in Nebraska last year.  That is 8 less than the 30 year average of  53.  Iowa reported 43 tornadoes, which is 3 shy of the longer term average of 46.  There were no injuries in Nebraska.  Typically, most tornadoes occur in June, however in 2016, the most in Nebraska occurred in May with 13.  In Iowa, the most occurred in July with 13.

Pilger, NE Tornadoes - June 16, 2014 Photo courtesy of Dustin Wilcox

Know what to do before, during and after a tornado.  Knowing what to do before, during and after a tornado could save your life. Here’s what you need to know.


  • Pick a tornado safe room in your home such as a basement, storm cellar or an interior room on the lowest floor with no windows.  Do not stay in large rooms such as auditoriums or gymnasiums.
  • Make sure all members of your family know where to go.
  • Store emergency supplies such as a first­-aid kit and flashlights with extra batteries are stored there in case you need them.
  • Put together a family communications plan.
  • You should also identify a safe location at work or school.
  • Do not get caught in traffic in the storm!  Plan well in advance.


  • When a Tornado Warning is issued, you should immediately go to a tornado safe room.
  • If you are outside, you need to seek shelter inside a sturdy building.
  • Mobile homes are never safe during a tornado. If you are in a mobile home or a recreational vehicle, you should head for a storm shelter.
  • If you cannot quickly walk to a shelter immediately get into a vehicle, buckle your seat belt and try to drive to the closest sturdy shelter.


  • If you are in an area that was damaged, be careful of debris that may include sharp or dangerous objects and watch out for downed power lines and broken gas lines.
  • Use battery­-powered flashlights when examining buildings.   Do NOT use candles which could start a fire.
  • If you smell gas or hear a blowing or hissing noise, open a window and get everyone out of the building quickly and then call the gas company or fire department.
  • Use the telephone only for emergency calls so rescue operation lines aren't tied up. Text your friends and family to let them know you’re ok.
  • If you were outside of the area damaged by the tornado, stay off the phone so that emergency calls can get through. Use text messages and social media to let your friends and family know you’re ok.
  • Stay away from areas that were damaged so you don’t hamper rescue operations. Only return to damaged areas when local law enforcement gives the all­-clear.

For more information visit... Tornadoes 

Severe Thunderstorms

A thunderstorm is considered severe when it produces hail that is one inch in diameter or larger, damaging winds equal to or greater than 58 miles per hour, or a tornado.  There are numerous aspects of severe thunderstorms that pose a threat to life and property.  Along with the threat of large hail, damaging winds, and tornadoes, everyone must also be aware of the possibility of dangerous lightning and flooding.  Now is the time to review Severe Weather Safety Information.



Shelf Cloud

Squall Line
Photo Credit:  Brett Wright WSR-88D Radar Image - Tornado Near Lincoln - May 9, 2017



When Thunder Roars, Go Indoors!

For anyone outside, whether you're involved in sports or some other activity, keep an eye on the sky. If you hear thunder, you're already in danger and should head inside a substantial building or hard­topped vehicle immediately. Don’t wait for rain.

Outdoor activities (fishing, boating, golf, soccer, walking, running, yardwork) contributes to dozens of lightning deaths in the United States. Officials in charge of organized sports should have a lightning safety plan, and those involved in the sport (and their parents) should understand the plan and know what to do.

The plan should identify:

­-How long it will take to get everyone to safety

­-Where the participants and spectators should take shelter

­-When officials should stop and resume the event

­-Who is responsible for making weather­related safety decisions

­-Who is responsible for monitoring conditions and notifying officials of weather­related threats.

Whether you're out for a run, watching your child's game, or attending a major sports event, remember that there's no safe place outside in a thunderstorm. When thunder roars, go indoors!

For more information go to:  Lightning Safety


Never Drive or Walk into Flood Waters ­ -Turn Around Don’t Drown!  Flooding is one of the leading causes of weather related fatalities in the U.S. On average, flooding claims nearly 81 lives each year. More than half of these deaths occur in motor vehicles when people attempt to drive through flooded roadways. This happens because people underestimate the force and power of water, especially when it is moving. 

Just six inches of fast­-moving water can knock over and carry off an adult. Twelve inches of water can float a small car. If that water is moving, it can carry that car away. Eighteen to twenty-­four inches of flowing water can carry away most vehicles, including large SUVs. It is impossible to tell the exact depth of water covering a roadway or the condition of the road below the water. This is especially true at night when your vision is more limited. It is never safe to drive or walk through flood waters. Any time you come to a flooded road, walkway, or path, follow this simple rule: Turn Around Don’t Drown.

For more information and flood safety tips, visit the Flood Safety page.

Flooding near McCool Junction, NETADD

Photo credit:  Megan Farmer

Statistics - 2016


Tornadoes:  45 (3 8 less than the 30 year average of 53)

Deaths:  0     Injuries:  0

Hail Size: 5.00” on May 9th (Lancaster County - near Cheney)

Wind Gust:   Estimated: 100 mph on July 7th  - Max (Dundy County)

                      Measured: 103 mph on June 28th  - near Chadron (Dawes County)


Tornadoes:  43 (3 shy of the longer term average of 46)

Deaths:  0     Injuries:  12

Hail Size: 2.50” on March 15th  (Louisa County - near Grandview)
Wind Gust:   107 mph on October 6th - Near Buffalo (Scott County)

                     94 mph on October 6th - Near Credit Island (Scott County)


Severe Weather Products and Services

Visit our Severe Weather Decision Support Page


Severe Weather Warnings and Outlooks
Awareness & Action Level
Hazardous Weather Outlook Issued at least three times daily by 6 AM, 1 PM, and 6 PM to alert you of potential weather hazards.   Stay tuned to later statements and be alert for the development of hazardous weather.
Severe Weather Watches Issued when conditions become favorable for the development of severe weather. Prepare and take necessary precautions in the event a warning is issued or severe weather is observed.
Severe Thunderstorm Warning Issued when severe weather (1" hail or larger and/or winds in excess of 58 mph) is imminent. Take immediate action to save lives and property.
Tornado Warning Issued when a tornado is imminent, has been spotted or has been indicated by Doppler radar. Take immediate action to save lives and property.
Severe Weather Statement Issued to update the status of severe weather warnings and to give specific details on the location and severity of storms.  
Local Storm Reports Issued to inform you of actual severe weather occurrences.  


Description Awareness & Action Level
Flood Potential Outlook

Issued 36 to 72 hours before potential flood events.

Stay tuned to later statements and be alert for the development of flooding.
Flood Watch Issued when conditions become favorable for flooding.  Prepare and take necessary precautions in the event a warning is issued or flooding is observed.
Flash Flood Warning Issued when rapid and life-threatening water rises are imminent. Take immediate action to save lives and property.
Flood Warning Issued for main stem river flooding or over land flooding for an extended period of time.  Take immediate action to save lives and property.
Flash Flood & Flood Statements

Issued to update the status of warnings and watches, and give specific details on the locations and severity of flooding.  





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