A Pacific storm with atmospheric river will bring heavy mountain snow and strong winds to the Sierra Nevada and heavy rainfall over parts of coastal southern California through Thursday. An extended period of critical to extremely critical fire weather conditions will continue into the southern and central Plains through Saturday. Read More >
The US National Weather Service "International Services and Communication Systems" (ISCS) activity is a collective group of message dissemination systems used to provide weather, water and climate information to segments of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) International community as described in WMO document No. 386 - Manual on the Global Telecommunication System. The ISCS systems provide service to WMO Regional Association IV (RA-IV) and are managed by the US National Weather Service (NWS) Dissemination Systems Branch (W/OPS17); they include:
ISCS systems are an integral part of the RA-IV Regional Meteorological Telecommunications Network (RMTN), which focuses on the timely collection and delivery of both time-critical and routine watches, warnings, observations and forecasts.
Additional telecommunication systems are identified as part of the RA-IV RMTN which supplement the capabilities of the ISCS systems for the exchange of messages. These other systems include:
GNC-A will operate as an alternate method to GIFS for RA-IV RMTN user to obtain GTS data products. If implemented, end users interested in receiving the GNC-A broadcast will need to purchase the receiver equipment and software for their site. A list of possible vendors for satellite equipment and installation will be provided in the future. The outcome of the NWS GNC-A investigation and the future implementation of this service is uncertain.
More information on GeoNetCast Americas can be found at https://www.geonetcastamericas.noaa.gov/.
GeoNetCast - Americas Broadcast Product Baseline | |
Sub Channels | Files |
Alert | Alerts_120405.txt |
WMO-WMC Washington | WMO-WMC-Washington_120405.txt |
The Global Telecommunications System (GTS) Internet File Service (GIFS) is provided by the United States National Weather Service (NWS) for World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Regional Association IV (RA-IV) Member States, and other WMO Regions that are adjacent to RA-IV, as a highly reliable Internet source of meteorological products. The purpose of GIFS is to provide access to WMO RA-IV related weather information in BUFR, GRIB, alpha-numeric text, and T4-FAX data types to facilitate Members' access to information needed for operational and some research activities between the United States and nations in the Caribbean, North America, and Central America. This service is available to all authorized WMO RA-IV Member States as well as other WMO Regions adjacent to RA-IV. The GIFS is the primary service for GTS data within RA-IV.
The NWS is planning a satellite based broadcast service for backup:
GIFS Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Click here for more information on RA4 GIFS