National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce



Alabama Tornado Database

1864 Tornado Occurrences (2)
Tornado # in Year Year Month Day Time (CST) County Damage Scale Maximum Path Width (Yards) Path Length (Miles) Fatalities Injuries Location
2 1864 12 25 0000 Lee

Storm Information

Exact Location Unknown
The tornado moved northeast but no other information was available. This information was taken from the Monthly Weather Review October 1925 - Tornadoes in Alabama.

1 1864 11 9 Evening Autauga-Elmore

Storm Information

Exact Location Unknown
Augusta Chronicle (Augusta GA)- November 19 1864-November 9 1864 Elmore-Autauga County Alabama tornado – Affected Confederate war effort- TORNADO- Prattville, Ala., was visited by an unusual storm on Wednesday last. The Citizen of the 10th says: “A most terrific tornado passed through this place last evening, destroying houses, fences, chimneys, tearing up trees, and doing much other damage. Mr. James M. Smith’s house was literally torn to pieces, and it is a wonder that he and his whole family were not killed. Mr. Gardner’s house, just opposite, is also a complete wreck, the house, a two story one, being moved some twenty feet from its foundation. The academy is also badly injured, and many other houses in various portions of the town were blown down or greatly damaged. The tornado was not more than one hundred and fifty yards in width, and came from a southwest course. The damage and loss occasioned by it is at least fifty thousand dollars. We have not heard of any loss of life, although several persons made a very narrow escape.