National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Emerald Mountain Tornado - Elmore County
August 24th, 2008

Estimated Maximum Wind:
50 to 55 MPH
Damage Path Length:
0.1 of a Mile
Maximum Path Width:
20 Yards
Approximate Start Point:
32.46/-86.11 at 2:07 PM


A National Weather Service damage assessment team evaluated information from Elmore County. It was determined a brief tornado touched down in Southern Elmore County.  The tornado was rated an EF-0 on the Enhanced Fujita Scale.  Surface winds were estimated at 50 to 55 MPH.  The total tornado damage path was less than 0.1 of a mile long and was 20 yards wide at its widest point.

An EF0 tornado briefly touched down near the Emerald Mountain area.  Storm spotters and emergency management officials followed a rotating storm that dropped a brief tornado.  No significant damage was located.


Brief Tornado Touchdown