Isolated Tornado Damage on November 23rd, 2014
Forkland (Greene County) EF-0 Tornado
Estimated Maximum Wind:
70 mph
None |
Damage Path Length:
2.04 miles
Maximum Path Width:
150 yards
Approximate Start Point/Time:
32.6387/-87.8364 at 1135 am
Approximate End Point/Time:
32.6669/-87.8255 at 1138 am
The tornado began about 2.4 miles east-southeast of Forkland, just south of County Road 20 near the northern edge of catfish ponds, where a person observed the tornado. From there, it moved north-northeast and ended near Lloyd Chapel Church along County Road 41. Several trees were either snapped or uprooted along the path. Additionally, a small tornado debris signature was evident in dual-pol data from KBMX radar.
Radar Data - Click to enlarge. |

This is an image of the 0.5 degree reflectivity data from KBMX near the time of the tornado.

This is an image of the 0.5 degree velocity data from KBMX near the time of the tornado.
Storm Damage Images - Click to enlarge.

Tree damage

Tree damage
Cowikee Creek (Barbour County) EF-1 Tornado
Estimated Maximum Wind:
100-110 mph
None |
Damage Path Length:
3.23 miles
Maximum Path Width:
400 yards
Approximate Start Point/Time:
31.9603/-85.0940 at 203 pm
Approximate End Point/Time:
32.0002/-85.0653 at 207 pm
The tornado touched down in the extreme northeastern portion of Barbour County, near where Cowikee Creek empties into the Walter F. George Reservoir, or about 1.8 miles southeast of Lakepoint Resort State Park. From there, the tornado moved northeastward and crossed the reservoir into Georgia roughly due east of the State Park. The tornado then continued into Stewart County Georgia. On its short path in Alabama, damage from this tornado was confined to hundreds of trees that were either snapped off or uprooted.
Radar Data - Click to enlarge. |

This is an image of the 0.5 degree reflectivity data from KEOX at 206 pm just before the tornado crossed into Georgia.

This is an image of the 0.5 degree velocity data from KEOX at 206 pm just before the tornado crossed into Georgia.
Storm Damage Images - Click to enlarge.

Tree damage

Tree damage