NWS Birmingham, Alabama
Weather Forecast Office
Local Sounding Data
Shown below are the morning and evening soundings on May 24, 2001, at the Shelby County Airport, Alabama. There are four images. The Skew T diagram shows the temperature, moisture and wind profile through the atmosphere. The hodograph shows how the winds change with height. Soundings are also used to generate other parameters which are listed below.
The soundings from May 24, 2001, show that the atmosphere was relatively stable during the morning and became unstable through the day and into the evening. Most notable is the vertical profile of winds and how it changed through the day. Storm Relative Helicity and the shape of the hodograph significantly changed from morning to evening. The wind profile became more favorable through the afternoon for rotating storms.
Observed sounding at the Shelby County Airport on May 24, 2001, 7:00 AM CDT ( or 1200 UTC ).
Observed sounding at the Shelby County Airport on May 24, 2001 7:00 PM CDT ( or May 25, 2001 0000 UTC ).
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NWS Birmingham, Alabama
465 Weathervane Road
Calera, AL 35040
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