National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Aspel Tornado

Meteorologist from the National Weather Service in Birmingham conducted a storm survey in southern Jackson county to view damage from storms that moved through the county late Thursday afternoon, May 24th. The damage was located 1 mile north of the town of Aspel, near the intersection of County Roads 11 and 101 and was determined to be caused by a minimal F1 tornado.

The tornado path was approximately one half mile long, 100 yards wide, beginning on the west side of County Road 11. The path began behind a home located on CR11. No damage was noted to the home, but several trees within 50 yards of the home were snapped off and blown down.

Across CR11, two homes were struck and both received minor damage. One of the residents was asleep when the tornado struck. He said the storm was loud - rousing him from his sleep, and it was over by the time he realized what was happening. A window on the right front of his home was sucked out, a large Cedar tree just off to the left front corner of the home was broken off just above the ground and found by a back fence, approximately 300 yards northeast. Several large trees were knocked over in the backyard, and in his pasture, one of the fallen trees killed two cows. A large barn was heavily damaged, and another smaller barn had its tin roofing pulled off. The second home sustained some roof damage due to a fallen tree with a few shingles also torn off. Several trees were also knocked down in the front yard.

The tornado touched down at approximately 5:48 pm CDT and was likely on the ground for only a few minutes. A tornado warning was in effect for eastern Madison and Jackson Counties from 5:33 pm to 6:15 pm.


Map of the Aspel tornado track. Click on graphics to view a larger version. Small image showing trees down in cow pasture. Click on image for a larger view of this small image. Small image showning large barn damaged near Aspel, Alabama. Click on image for a large view of this small image. Small image showing a small barn damaged near Apsel, Alabama. Click on image for a large view of this small image. Small image showing a house window damaged due to the severe storm. Click on image for a large view of this small image.
Map of Aspel tornado track. Click on image for a larger version. Trees down in cow pasture. Large barn damaged near Aspel, Alabama. A small barn damaged near Aspel, Alabama. A house window damaged due to the severe storm.

Survey and photos by Tish Hart and Mark Rose.