National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Little Texas F-3 Tornado
Macon County
January 11, 1885


Estimated Maximum Wind:
158-206 mph
5 Injured/ 1 Fatality
Damage Path Length:
10.6 miles
Maximum Path Width:
Approximate Start Point/Time:
4.5 SE Tuskegee at 1100 pm
Approximate End Point/Time:
5.6 NW Society Hill
Path Estimated

Around 11 pm, a tornado struck part of the county known as Little Texas, situated about 11 miles east of Tuskegee. The storm came from the west and its course was almost due east. There was very little rain and no hail, but incessant lightning accompanied by a loud roaring sound. Quantities of timber and fencing were blown down and the houses on four settlements were destroyed or damaged. A man was killed and a woman was severely injured. The violence of the storm seemed to be greater on the northern side. We have no further record of the tornado in Alabama, but was supposed to be the one that was very destructive near Macon, Ga.

Report Courtesy of Digitized by Google & American Meteorological Journal May 1885 Page 43