Lamar County - Around 500 pm on January 11, a storm passed two miles north of Vernon. Its trace was from a quarter to half mile in width, coming from the southwest and taking a northeasterly course 15 degrees north of east. It demolished two dwellings near Vernon, and destroyed some other houses in the county. No lives were lost as far as known.
Fayette County - The day was warm and showery, with a south wind. Not much electricity noted until just at night, when the clouds began to gather black and heavy in the southwest and thunder increased in frequency and violence. The clouds changed from black to greenish in color and the wind began to blow with great force from the southwest. It is reported that the storm did not rush forward with a uniform rate of speed, but rose and fell, bounding from side to side like a ball. It was preceded, attended and followed by heavy rain, but no hail. The thermometer stood at 58 degrees during its passage. The storm passed 8 miles north of the Fayette County Courthouse about 530 pm. It swept through the northern portion of the county and great damage is reported along its course. 12 plantations were devastated between Luxapillila Creek and the Sipsey River. 1 person was killed and several seriously injured. Several families lost everything but their lives. Stock was killed or maimed. Dwellings and outhouses were torn to pieces. Orchards were ruined. Timber and fencing was demolished and all household goods were scattered in every direction. A heavy sill from one house was carried a quarter mile and planted upright in an orchard. After crossing the Sipsey River, the storm followed the course of Barron Creek, destroying everything that came in its way. The damage to timber was immense.
Walker County - The storm passed into Walker County near Eldridge. This tornado followed nearly the same track as the storm last year early spring. We have no reports from Walker County beyond Eldridge.
Report Courtesy of Digitized by Google & American Meteorological Journal May 1885 Page 43