Main coverage map page for Indiana
(to see the detailed area covered by a transmitter signal, visit the Indiana NWR Coverage page).
To check the status of a transmitter, or report an outage for a transmitter, please visit the NWR Outage Page.
Transmitter Location | Station | Frequency (MHz) | Selected Audio* |
INDIANAPOLIS | KEC-74 | 162.550 | |
BLOOMINGTON | WXM-78 | 162.450 | |
PUTNAMVILLE | WXK-72 | 162.400 | |
MONTICELLO | WXK-74 | 162.475 | |
GEORGIA | WWG-72 | 162.500 | |
EDWARDSPORT | WWG-83 | 162.425 | |
NEWPORT | KZZ-27 | 162.425 | |
SEYMOUR | WWG-73 | 162.525 | |
MUNCIE | KJY-93 | 162.425 | |
CHICAGO (IL) | KWO-39 | 162.550 | N/A |
SOUTH BEND | WXJ-57 | 162.400 | N/A |
FORT WAYNE | WXJ-58 | 162.550 | N/A |
NORTH WEBSTER | WWG-45 | 162.450 | N/A |
ANGOLA | KXI-94 | 162.425 | N/A |
RICHMOND | KHB-52 | 162.500 | N/A |
COVINGTON (KY) | KIH-42 | 162.550 | N/A |
EVANSVILLE | KIG-76 | 162.550 | N/A |
NEW ALBANY (KY) | KIH-43 | 162.475 | N/A |
PARIS (IL) | KXI-47 | 162.525 | N/A |
*Watch/Warning/Advisory/Special Weather Statements are not available
Specific Area Message Encoder (SAME) is part of the Emergency Alert System (EAS), formerly the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS). See your local electronics dealer for more information on weather radios with the SAME feature. If you would like more information about SAME, visit the National SAME Homepage.
example: 018063
0 for all
18 for Indiana
063 for Hendricks County
Click here to see FIPS codes, frequencies and stations for each Indiana County.
Not all products we issue are Tone Alerted or SAME encoded. This is based on both national directives and local decisions derived from local area surveys from our listeners. Our main concern is alerting our listeners to upcoming events which will affect the respective radio listening areas.
The following products are SAME encoded and Tone Alerted:
The following NWS products are SAME encoded but NOT Tone Alerted:
Additionally, certain non-NWS products and events, such as chemical spills, compiled by the Hazcollect program, are SAME encoded and Tone Alerted:
7-DAY FORECAST: Detailed local weather forecast from the National Weather Service for the next 7 days
Broadcast 24 hours a day
Updated at 4:00 AM and 4:00 PM
(and whenever necessary)
EIGHT TO FOURTEEN-DAY OUTLOOK: Trend forecast for temperature and precipitation for eight to fourteen days out
Broadcast: 24 hours a day
Updated at 3:00 PM each day
CURRENT WEATHER CONDITIONS: Detailed weather conditions for the observing location closest to the transmitter and general conditions for Indiana and nearby states.
Broadcast 24 hours a day
Updated each hour at about 5 minutes past the hour
SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENTS, WATCHES, WARNINGS AND FLOOD STATEMENTS: Specific information on hazardous weather conditions. Warnings and certain watches are preceded by a warning alarm that activates radios that have the warning alarm feature.
Broadcast when necessary
HAZARDOUS WEATHER OUTLOOK: A listing of potential hazards with a discussion, split into a Day 1 Outlook and a Days 2 through 7 Outlook. Plays periodically through the day.
CLIMATOLOGICAL REPORT: Climate information including highs, lows, and precipitation for sites near the transmitter.
Broadcast 7:30 AM to 9:30 AM, 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM
WARNING ALARM/*SAME TEST: Broadcast of the warning alarm tone and SAME codes. Radios with the warning alarm feature and radios with the SAME feature should activate during the test
Broadcast Wednesdays between 11:00 AM and Noon (in good weather ONLY)
ULTRAVIOLET INDEX FORECAST: Airs April 15th through September 30th for 9 hours daily; A scale of 0 to 11+ to help Americans plan outdoor activities to avoid overexposure to UV radiation and thereby lower their risk of skin cancer, cataracts, and other illnesses. Basically, 0 to 2 = You can safely enjoy being outside, 3 to 7 = Seek shade during midday hours. Slip on a shirt, slop on sunscreen and put on a hat. 8 = Avoid being outside during midday hours. Make sure you seek shade. Shirt, sunscreen and hat are a must.
TORNADO – A violently rotating column of air, usually forming a pendant from a cumulonimbus cloud, whose circulation reaches the ground. It nearly always starts as a funnel cloud and may be accompanied by a loud roaring noise. On a local scale, it is the most destructive of all atmospheric phenomena. FUNNEL CLOUD – A rotating column of air, forming a pendant from a cumulus or cumulonimbus cloud, whose circulation does not reach the ground. TORNADO WATCH – Conditions are favorable for tornado development. Remain alert for approaching storms. TORNADO WARNING – Radar has indicated a tornado or a tornado has been spotted. Take cover now. SEVERE THUNDERSTORM – A thunderstorm accompanied by winds (sustained or gusts) of 58 mph (50 knots) or more and hail 1 inch in diameter or larger. Structural wind damage may be used to infer the occurrence of a severe thunderstorm. SQUALL LINE – A line of thunderstorms or squalls which may extend over several hundred miles. SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH – Conditions are favorable for tornado development. Remain alert for approaching storms. SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING – Radar has indicated a severe thunderstorm or severe weather has been reported. Take cover now. WATERSPOUT – A rotating column of air, usually forming a pendant from a cumulus or cumulonimbus cloud, which forms over a body of water, and whose circulation reaches the water. DOWNBURST – A strong downdraft from a cumulonimbus cloud which induces damaging winds on or near the ground. MACROBURST – A large downburst with the diameter of outflow 2 1/2 miles or larger and damaging winds lasting 5 to 20 minutes. Intense macrobursts can cause tornado-force damage. MICROBURST – A small downburst with the diameter of outflow less than 2 1/2 miles and peak winds lasting only 2 to 5 minutes. They may induce dangerous wind and downflow wind shears which can affect aircraft performance. FLASH FLOOD – A flood which follows a heavy or excessive rainfall, a dam or levee failure, or sudden release of water impounded by an ice jam, within a few hours. There is nothing in the National Weather Service definition that says a flash flood must be a "wall of water." WINTER STORM WARNING FOR HEAVY SNOW – Central Indiana: WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SNOW – BLIZZARD WARNING – Sustained winds or frequent gusts to 35 mph or more for at least 3 hours and considerable falling and/or blowing snow reducing visibility frequently to less than 1/4 mile. ICE STORM WARNING – Ice accumulation of 1/4 inch or more on all surfaces. Brings down wires. SNOW SQUALL WARNING -- Usually: 1) visibility 1/4SM or less with sub-freezing ambient road temperatures, or 2) plunging temperatures along and behind an arctic front sufficient to produce flash freezes, gusty winds and blowing snow. Warnings typically last 30 to 60 minutes, and are not issued when Winter Storm or Blizzard Warnings are in effect. HIGH WINDS – Sustained winds of 40 mph or greater or winds gusting to 58 mph or greater. WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY FOR BLOWING SNOW – Visibilities intermittently at or below 1/4 mile due to blowing snow with winds less than 35 mph. COLD WEATHER ADVISORY – Wind chill or air temperature values -10 to -19 degrees EXTREME COLD WARNING – Wind chill or air temperature values -20 or below DEGREE DAYS – The amount of deviation in the average daily temperature from 65 degrees. Average temperatures greater than 65 degrees yield cooling degree days where average daily temperatures less than 65 degrees yield heating degree days. An example: The high temperature for a day is 75 degrees and the low temperature for the day is 65. That gives an average temperature for the day of 70 degrees and results in 5 cooling degree days. In contrast, an average daily temperature of 60 degrees would result in 5 heating degree days. Degree day totals are typically tabulated on a daily, monthly, seasonal and yearly basis. Departures from normal for those time periods are also typically tabulated. Check out our Climate page to get degree day totals for the past 12 months. |
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