Indianapolis, IN
Weather Forecast Office
Tables below contain the same data as the image above (in case the image does not load)
Indianapolis: (since 1871)
High Temperature |
Low Temperature |
Average |
82 |
62 |
Warmest |
99 (1954) |
75 (1881) |
Coldest |
62 (1905) |
47 (1988) |
Precipitation |
Most: 7.20” (2003) |
Average: 0.19” |
Lafayette: (since 1944)
High Temperature |
Low Temperature |
Average |
82 |
60 |
Warmest |
96 (1964) |
73 (1983) |
Coldest |
63 (1988*) |
46 (1988) |
Precipitation |
Most: 1.96” (2003) |
Average: 0.08” |
Terre Haute*: (since 1954)
*Terre Haute Indiana State Site used
High Temperature |
Low Temperature |
Average |
85 |
60 |
Warmest |
104 (1954) |
74 (2015) |
Coldest |
65 (1972) |
44 (2001) |
Precipitation |
Most: 5.30” (2003) |
Average: 0.14” |
Spotter Information
Outdoor Event Watcher
Hazardous Weather Outlook
Drought Information
NOAA All Hazards Radio
Graphical Hazards Outlook
Local forecasts
Local Area
Computer Model Forecasts
Fire Weather
Air Quality
Text River Forecasts
Area Forecast Discussion
Central Indiana Weather Brief
US Dept of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Weather Service
Indianapolis, IN
6900 West Hanna Avenue
Indianapolis, IN 46241-9526
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