National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Christmas Banner


Additional information, including a sortable listing of data for every Christmas, is available.


Indianapolis Temperature (since 1871)


High Temperature

Low Temperature


36 22


64 (1893)

55 (1877)


-4 (1983)

-15 (1983)


High Temperature in... Number of Years
Indianapolis High Temperature Frequencies (since 1871)
Below 0 1
0-9 1
10-19 10
the 20s 32
the 30s 53
the 40s 33
the 50s 17
the 60s 5


Indianapolis Precipitation (since 1871 )
Most: 1.36” (2005) Most Snow: 5.9” (1909)


Snow on Ground for Indianapolis
Snow on Ground Percent of Christmases (1898-2022)
Trace 22%
1 inch or more 28%