National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce


On Monday evening, 14 August 2006, a weak tornado briefly touched down southwest of the small town of San Jacinto in Jennings County.  This tornado was rated F0 on the Fujita Scale of Tornado Intensity, and was found to be approximately 100 yards wide.  The tornado was on the ground for about one minute, from 7:59 PM EDT to 8:00 PM EDT, covering a distance of about one half mile.  The most heavily damaged structure along the path was a pole barn, which lost half of its tin roof, at least one door, and sustained additional minor damage.  Several trees were downed, a home lost a portion of trim from its roof, and a swing set was tipped over.



See below for radar images at the time of the tornado and photos of the damage.  Click on the images to see a larger version.



Radar data (base reflectivity and storm relative motion) at 2359 UTC 14 August 2006 




Note:  In Storm Relative Motion images, green indicates motion toward the radar site, and red indicates motion away from the radar site.  Coupled red and green is indicative of potential rotation.



 Photo of the damaged barn and a snapped tree nearby.



Zoomed radar data (base reflectivity and storm relative motion) at 2359 UTC 14 August 2006