National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

February 5-19, 2021


After suffering through two solid weeks of bitterly cold temperatures, there is finally light at the end of the tunnel as readings will climb back to near or slightly above normal in the 40s by early next week. 

With the February 2021 Cold Snap nearly in the rear-view mirror, I combed through the stats from several central and southeast Illinois cities to create the graphic below.  The image on the left shows the coldest observed temperature during the February 5-19 timeframe, while the image on the right shows the greatest measured snow depth.



Even though conditions were miserable here in central Illinois, we were not a large portion of the U.S. battled cold and snow.  For perspective, I've included the latest national snow depth map.  Nearly every state currently has snow on the ground.  Interestingly, a greater percentage of Louisiana and Mississippi have a snow cover than do either North Dakota or South Dakota!