National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce


Monthly Temperature Records

Month Highest Temp Day and Year Lowest Temp Day and Year Coldest High Day and Year Warmest Low Day and Year
January 71 23/1909 -27 05/1884 -16 05/1884 59 02/1897
February 78 27/2024 -26 13/1905 -7 13/1905 54 24/1930
March 87 21/1907 -11 08/1943 8 06/1899 64 30/1998
April 92 10/1930
14 05/1920
29 06/1982 72 28/1896
May 104 31/1934 25 10/1966 38 01/1909 75 29/1895
June 105 01/1934
39 01/1993
49 03/1945 80 25/1890
July 113 15/1936 46 26/1911 62 05/1909 80 24/1892
August 106 18/1936 41 26/1910
61 25/1987 82 22/1936
September 104 05/1899 24 28/1942 45 25/1942 76 03/1939
October 93 03/2006 7 30/1925 21 29/1925 72 05/1884
November 81 01/1937
-2 26/1977 8 24/1950 62 03/1938
December 71 02/1982
-24 28/1924 -11 24/1983 59 02/1982


Monthly Calendar Day Precipitation and Snowfall Records

Month Maximum
Day and Year Maximum Snowfall Day and Year
January 4.43 inches 01/1965 12.2 inches 13/1979
February 2.85 inches 11/1887 11.8 inches 1/2011
March 2.88 inches 14/1944 8.1 inches 25/1957
April 5.06 inches 24/1950 6.0 inches 04/1920
May 5.52 inches 18/1927 0.1 inch 08/1923
June 4.74 inches 24/1911 Zero None
July 4.09 inches 17/1895 Zero None
August 4.32 inches 29/1955 Zero None
September 4.11 inches 13/1961 1.0 inch 25/1942
October 3.62 inches 10/1969 3.9 inches 31/2019
November 4.26 inches 27/1990 6.8 inches 26/1975
December 2.60 inches 18/1895 8.0 inches 02/1893

Top 10 Wettest and Driest Months on Record

Rank Wettest Month and Year Rank Driest Month and Year
1 13.09 inches September 1961 1 (tie) 0.03 inches October 1964
2 12.34 inches September 2008 1 (tie) 0.03 inches September 1979
3 12.30 inches September 1911 3 (tie) 0.07 inches November 1917
4 11.69 inches June 1974 3 (tie) 0.07 inches January 1919
5 11.60 inches June 2015 5 0.10 inches October 1904
6 11.55 inches September 1926 6 0.12 inches November 1904
7 (tie) 11.49 inches September 1970 7 0.14 inches February 1907
7 (tie) 11.49 inches May 1915 8 0.20 inches November 1914
9 10.58 inches September 1936 9 0.22 inches January 1986
10 10.53 inches October 1941 10 0.24 inches March 1885


Longest Dry Streaks

Rank Days Without
Measurable Precipitation
1 34 August 16 to September 19, 1893
2 33 October 16 to November 18, 1999
3 32 November 9 to December 11, 1904
4 31 September 12 to October 13, 1892
5 (tie) 30 October 12 to November 11, 1964
August 12 to September 11, 2013


Top 10 Snowiest Months on Record

Rank Snowiest Month and Year
1 24.7 inches January 1979
2 22.9 inches February 2014
3 21.7 inches December 1977
4 21.0 inches December 2000
5 20.9 inches February 2011
6 19.2 inches December 2010
7 18.9 inches December 1973
8 18.3 inches February 2010
9 (tie) 18.2 inches January 2014
9 (tie) 18.2 inches March 1926


All Time Records

Event Value Date
Record High Temperature 113 degrees July 15, 1936
Record Coldest High Temperature -16 degrees January 5, 1884
Record Low Temperature -27 degrees January 5, 1884
Record Warmest Low Temperature 82 degrees August 22, 1936
Record Precipitation (calendar day
and for any 24-hour period)
5.52 inches May 18, 1927
Record Snowfall (calendar day) 12.2 inches January 13, 1979
Record Snowfall (snowstorm) 15.0 inches February 1-2, 2011


Temperature and precipitation records date from 1883, and snowfall records date from 1896.