National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce
Public Information Statement
National Weather Service Lincoln IL
700 PM CDT Mon Aug 8 2022

...NWS Damage Survey for 08/01/2022 Mason County Tornado...

.2 N Mason City Torando...

Rating:                 EF-0
Estimated Peak Wind:    85 mph
Path Length /statute/:  0.4 miles
Path Width /maximum/:   60 yards
Fatalities:             0
Injuries:               0

Start Date:             8/01/2022
Start Time:             4:46 AM CDT
Start Location:         Approx 2.5 mi North of Mason City / Mason County / IL
Start Lat/Lon:          40.2497 / -89.6847

End Date:               8/01/2022
End Time:               4:48 AM CDT
End Location:           2 mi North of Mason City / Mason County / IL
End Lat/Lon:            40.2462 / -89.6785

Drone footage shows a brief touchdown in a cornfield north of CR
1300 N, with a distinct convergent damage path extending SE toward
the intersection of CR 1300 N and CR 3600 E. An empty trailer
hopper was lifted and thrown toward the west, doing damage to a
farm tractor.


EF Scale: The Enhanced Fujita Scale classifies tornadoes into the
following categories:

EF0...Weak......65 to 85 mph
EF1...Weak......86 to 110 mph
EF2...Strong....111 to 135 mph
EF3...Strong....136 to 165 mph
EF4...Violent...166 to 200 mph
EF5...Violent...>200 mph

The information in this statement is preliminary and subject to
change pending final review of the event and publication in NWS
Storm Data.

