NWS weather.gov pages and the back-end Content Management System are moving to the Integrated Dissemination Program (IDP) on June 4, 2024 as referenced in SCN 24-44.
Please see below for a detailed list of expected differences, known issues, and resolutions. Information on the forecast.weather.gov migration is available here.
Resolved Issues
The following previously reported known issues have been resolved.
- 7 January 2025: RSS Feed links on site home pages are again returning a formatted list of office news articles.
- 22 July 2024: Top-level pages with dashes in the name are loading without error.
- 12 June 2024: The watch/warning map on weather.gov/ppg now displays properly, including English version, marine links, and formatting.
Expected Differences
The following differences are changes that are expected in the IDP version of the application.
- Page URLs are case-sensitive.
- Images under weather.gov/icons/ no longer exist.
- As mentioned in PNS 24-33, NWS Directives previously at www.nws.noaa.gov/directives are now at weather.gov/directives.
Redirect Removals
The following redirects have been removed:
- weather.gov/outlook_tab.php
- weather.gov/predictions.php
- weather.gov/warnings.php
- weather.gov/largemap.php
- weather.gov/sitemap.php
- weather.gov/thankyou.php
- weather.gov/data/current_obs/
- weather.gov/data/
- weather.gov/data/obhistory/
- weather.gov/emailupdates/
- weather.gov/com/
- weather.gov/xml/tpex/
- weather.gov/dmawds/
- weather.gov/om/borchures.shtml
- weather.gov/om/
- weather.gov/geodata/
- weather.gov/ghls/
- weather.gov/graphics/
- weather.gov/kiosk/
- weather.gov/tdl/
- weather.gov/mirs/
- weather.gov/ndbc/
- weather.gov/officenames/
- weather.gov/oh/
- weather.gov/os/
- weather.gov/ost/
- weather.gov/reorg/
- weather.gov/survey/
- weather.gov/tcig/
- weather.gov/view/
Known Issues
The following known issues have tickets for developers or will be fixed by local webmasters.
- ?s and other characters may appear throughout pages where there previously were some special characters or emojis. Please use the "Comments? Questions? Please Contact Us." link at the bottom of the page where these issues are found so that they can be corrected.
- Some local pages have errors due to javascript and other local webmaster code. Please use the "Comments? Questions? Please Contact Us." link at the bottom of the page where these issues are found so that they can be corrected.
- Formatting of links to text products (from TextProductWidget) has changed, including missing site/PIL, lots of additional spacing, and showing the last update time listed as UTC, but it is the wrong time instead of the local timezone.
- Items within a local menu may be displayed in random order and change as users navigate the site.
- Pages using captcha image verification and mail are not validating and passing along the message.
Last Updated: 7 January 2025
Feedback can be sent to nws.webfeedback@noaa.gov. Outages should be reported to nco.ops@noaa.gov.