National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Possible Record Breaking Warmth in the Western U.S.; Elevated to Critical Fire Weather in the Eastern U.S.

Anomalously warm temperatures over the western U.S. today and Wednesday may break or tie current high and warm low records. In the East, dry conditions and gusty winds are bringing elevated fire weather to parts of the Eastern U.S. with critical fire weather in the southern Appalachians. Read More >

NWS and pages moved to the Integrated Dissemination Program (IDP) on April 30, 2024 as referenced in SCN 24-30.

Please see below for a detailed list of expected differences, known issues, and resolutions.  Information on the migration is available here.

Resolved Issues

The following previously reported known issues have been resolved.

  • 7 January 2025: The "All current RSS files" (, "All current XML files" (, and index (index.xml) links on are working again.
  • 22 July 2024: Tropical-specific icons are displayed on the forecast page when conditions expected.
  • 22 July 2024: digitalJSON requests no longer missing the windGust field.
  • 22 July 2024: digitalDWML hourly-qpf values again showing full precision with trailing 0s.
  • 22 July 2024: digitalJSON marine points again showing values for swell2period.
  • 17 June 2024: Missing zone in CWF text product now displays an error message with the missing zone referenced.
  • 17 June 2024: Forecast MapClick.php text page no longer returns 500 error when bad observation data from the closest station.
  • 4 June 2024: Newly-created emojis and special characters no longer show up as random characters in news headlines.
  • 28 May 2024: Forecast MapClick.php text page no longer returns 500 error when missing wind grids.
  • 28 May 2024: "Printable Forecast" text is now larger.
  • 28 May 2024: Links to that include glossary=1 in the url parameters no longer return a 500 error.
  • 15 May 2024: 7-day "Printable Forecast" link no longer has missing icons that break the page formatting.
  • 15 May 2024: Hourly Weather Graph page no longer returns a 500 error when the wind gust grid is missing for the period displayed.
  • 14 May 2024: digitalDWML and digitalJSON forecast requests now return data. Please see SCN 24-50 for more details on future plans for these requests.
  • 9 May 2024: Links on for navigating version and options are all working.
  • 9 May 2024: Web pages that use or in an iframe are no longer being blocked.
  • 9 May 2024: Observations should no longer be intermittently missing when they exist.

Expected Differences

The following differences are changes that are expected in the IDP version of the application.

  • Mobile Weather link to web page has been removed.
  • En Español link to the Spanish translation of the forecast page has been removed.
  • Slight variations in appearance, including different shades of colors, different spacing, and boxing of some sections of the page.
  • Address for the local Weather Forecast Office (WFO) that oversees the location (either zone or point) for the forecast will appear in the footer of the page.
  • The pages accessed by the links “More Local Wx”, “3 Day History”, and “Hourly Weather Forecast” are updated to remove the old page style and match the rest of the application.  The "3 Day History" page is now hosted on
  • In the Extended Forecast section, the data under the images for Today/Tonight/Tomorrow etc will switch positions - temperatures will now appear above the description of the weather.
  • The wind values in the conversion to the metric version of the “3 Day History” section have been corrected.
  • The ‘Back to Previous Page’ button in the “More Local Wx” page has been removed.
  • The map showing the area of interest for the Marine forecasts will enable movement via click & drag and zooming in and out only - extra buttons for incremental movement of the map in cardinal directions have been removed.
  • The json output option for marine points corrects a bug in the indentation from tabs to spaces, which now aligns with land points.
  • The dwml output option for marine points corrects the current observations indentation to remove tabs, which now aligns with land points.
  • The "Additional Headlines" link no longer appears on the forecast page for local office headlines when there are no other headlines to show.
  • Forecasts within Southern Region WFOs now show their local office headlines at the top of the page instead of the national headline.
  • does not redirect to for land points and does not redirect to for marine points (just displays the forecast for that point under the url entered).
  • Marine forecast wording may be different.
  • Missing zone in CWF text product now displays a 503 error message with the missing zone mentioned instead of a blank page with no data.
  • Marine forecast wind values have been corrected in digitalDWML and digitalJSON to resolve a rounding issue.
  • digitalJSON changes: removes a leading space in some marine values like swellPeriod; where applicable swell2Direction and swell2DirectionCardinal are now available for marine forecasts (i.e., coastal Hawaii); minor spacing and indentation changes for marine forecasts to match land forecasts.
  • digitalDWML changes: order by which weather elements appear in the xml has changed for land forecasts.
  • digitalDWML/digitalJSON marine points: there is a one hour shift in data available. Data now starts at the top of the current hour instead of the next hour, the same as land points. This also means there is an hour removed at the end of the available data for digitalDWML. For digitalJSON this shift only affects the start of the first period.
  • The Weather Activity Planner ( and MapClick.php?FcstType=wxplan) has been terminated for all offices per SCN 25-20.

Known Issues

The following known issues have tickets open with developers.

  • These forecast types from MapClick.php are not functional: mgraphical, kml.
  • The printable forecast for Marine locations will display imagery that is consistent with land printable forecasts.
  • The St. Lawrence River is missing on the watch/warning map background images.
  • The "Select City/Location" dialog is missing on the "Interactive Point Forecast" pages (i.e.,
  • Formatting of forecast pages is affected when a WR observation is missing: the page header (with new headlines/office identification) and page footer navigation menu will be missing. Also, the observation icon will be a broken image.
  • Blank first page from "Print" option on text products product.php page.
  • 3-day observation history link now displays some Fahrenheit temperatures out to the tenths place and altimeter rounded to whole number or tenths place.
  • Hourly Weather Graph, Tabular Forecast, and Printable Forecast pages break responsive design on smaller screens such as mobile devices.  Workaround is to select "View in Desktop Mode" at the bottom of the page.
  • Some site map footer menu options do not open on smaller screens such as mobile devices: Past Weather, Forecast, Education. Workaround is to select "View in Desktop Mode" at the bottom of the page..
  • Marine forecast icons cut off short of all periods on smaller screens such as mobile devices.
  • Text-only option on page does not change the page.
  • Missing wind observation causes 500 error on /xml/current_obs/ station pages.
  • Enhanced thunderstorm wording does not show up in point forecasts.
  • Red Flag Threat Index (RFTI) grids return error message on Hourly Weather Graph (MapClick.php FcstType=graphical)
  • XML current_obs pages have bad link to home page from header image.
  • KML button under "About this Forecast" does not produce a usable format.

Last Updated: 25 February 2025


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