National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce


As we continue to expand in the Information Age, your National Weather Service increases its web presence and adds a number of "web-only" products to our website.  We also have a number of web-only features, found in the "Other Web Features" section of this product guide. 


Preliminary Climate Data (LCD) NWS Huntsville Climate Page
Month-to-date climate reports are available on the NWS Huntsville climate page. These products are not disseminated to the public in any other form.  They are available for Huntsville, Muscle Shoals, and Decatur, and generally are updated by 4am local time each morning for the previous day.  To access these summaries, use the climate page link above, select "Preliminary Climate Data (CF6)", select the location, time period of interest, then click "Go".
Graphical Hazardous Weather Outlook Tennessee Valley Graphical HWO
Your National Weather Service produces a graphical form of the hazardous weather outlook that highlights the locations of expected threats for the first 24 hours. This product is usually issued around 5am each morning, and is updated routinely during the rest of the day.
Graphical Forecast NWS Huntsville Graphical Forecast Page
The National Weather Service is instituting a new way of forecasting called the Interactive Foreast Preparation System (IFPS). IFPS allows NWS forecasters to create graphical forecast grids of weather elements.  You can view experimental versions of our graphical forecast now!
Point Forecasts NWS Huntsville Point Forecast Page
Much like the graphical forecast, the Interactive Forecast Preparation System (IFPS) allows NWS forecasters to produce high-resolution forecasts at a resolution of 1 mile! Making use of the point forecasts allows you to get the most up-to-date forecast for your location rather than a county-wide area.
Weather Activity Planner NWS Huntsville Weather Activity Planner
Many activities require certain weather conditions. The weather activity planner allows you to specify what weather conditions are required for your location, and it will highlight the time periods that meet your criteria.
Precipitation Analyses National Precipitation Analysis 
National Weather Service River Forecast Centers (RFC's) create a quality-controlled analysis of observed rainfall for their areas of responsibility. These analyses are now combined into a nationwide precipitation analysis graphic with geographic overlays, and can be placed into Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software for more detailed data interrogation.