Below are a table of some final statistics about the tornadoes that occurred both in the Huntsville forecast area (CWA) and the entire state of Alabama.
EF-Rating |
Total Tornado Count in Huntsville CWA
Direct Fatalities in Huntsville CWA |
Direct Injuries in Huntsville CWA |
Total Tornado Count in Alabama |
** Direct Fatalities in Alabama |
** Direct Injuries in Alabama |
79 |
At least 45 |
3 |
104 |
At least 245 |
19 |
At least 48 |
8 |
125 |
At least 1716 |
0 |
0 |
7 |
7 |
At least 95 |
1 |
0 |
9 |
1 |
30 |
1 |
1 |
29 |
1 |
5 |
0 |
0 |
6 |
0 |
1 |
100 |
At least 94 |
** 238 |
** At least 2092 |
** These numbers reflect direct deaths and injuries from only tornadoes. |
Huntsville CWA: Some interesting Facts/Statistics about the April 27th, 2011 tornado outbreak |
1 - Produced 4 EF4 and 3 EF5 tornadoes. This is one more F4 tornado than the 1974 Tornado Outbreak |
2 - This event produced more tornadoes (39), but also included two more rounds of tornadoes than the 1974 Tornado
Outbreak. Nine tornadoes occurred in the 1974 Tornado Outbreak (including 3 F5's, 3 F4's)
3 - The majority (77%) of the tornadoes were EF0 to EF2 and occurred with the morning and midday waves of tornadoes. |
4 - The last wave was the most intense and accounted for all of the violent tornadoes which affected the Huntsville CWA. |
5 - In all three waves of tornadoes, this event had more strong (EF2 and EF3) to violent (EF4 and EF5) tornadoes (12)
across the Huntsville CWA than the 1974 Tornado Outbreak (9).
County |
# of Times a Tornado Hit a County
in the HUN CWA (04/27/2011) |
Lauderdale, AL
2 |
Colbert, AL
0 |
Franklin, AL
2 |
Lawrence, AL
1 |
Limestone, AL
7 |
Madison, AL
6 |
Morgan, AL
3 |
Cullman, AL
5 |
Marshall, AL
15 |
Dekalb, AL
7 |
Jackson, AL
4 |
Franklin, TN
1 |
Moore, TN
2 |
Lincoln, TN
2 |
Severe Thunderstorm and Tornado Warning Overview
Below is a grahipcal map of all severe thunderstorm, tornado, and flash flood warnings issued on April 27th, 2011 for the Huntsville forecast area. Note: Two of these warnings were issued by the NWS Jackson, MS office while NWS Huntsville briefly took shelter on Wednesday afternoon, April 27th. Ninety two tornado warnings speaks for itself, an extremely busy day!!!
Tornado Warnings.............................92
Severe Thunderstorm Warnings.....31
Flash Flood Warnings.........................7

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