National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Mr. William B. Crow was presented with the Dick Hagemeyer Award, which is presented to observers who reach 45 years of service. Mr. Crow has served as the observer at Valley Head in Dekalb County, Alabama since 1962. He has already been honored with the John Campanius Holm Award in 1999 and the Thomas Jefferson Award in 2004. The cooperative observing site in Valley Head was first established in 1885, and is the longest-running cooperative site in the National Weather Service Huntsville County Warning Area.

In May of 2007, two of our cooperative weather observing sites were honored with milestone awards for their tremendous dedication to their duties.

William Crow Receives Dick Hagemeyer Award For 45 Years of Service

National Weather Service Huntsville Observing Program Leader Lary Burgett presents the Hagemeyer Award to Mr. Crow at his cooperative observing site in Valley Head, AL.


Athens Water Plant Honored For 25 Years of Observations

Plant Supervisor Robert Shar(left) and Observer Glenn Tarpley(right) are pictured with the Institutional 25 Years of Service Award which was awarded to Athens Water Plant.

Athens Water Plant was presented with an institutional 25 Years of Service Award. Observations have been taken at the plant in Athens, Alabama since 1982. The first cooperative observing site in Athens was established in 1934 at a different location.

To view daily reports from our cooperative observers (including reports from Mr. Crow at Valley Head and the Athens Water Plant), be sure to check out our Daily Temperatures and Precipitation product.