Watch/Warning/Advisory Product Information
The following products are the most recent watches/warnings/advisories/statements that have been issued by the Weather Forecast Office in Honolulu, HI for the state of Hawaii, and the surrounding waters. To see what watches/warnings/advisories/statements are in effect for your location, please use the city/state local forecast search box to the left.
NWS Product Translations :
Select the area you are interested in to see the watches, warnings and advisories in effect
Tsunami Bulletin
Issued: 03/25/2025 11:52:16 AM UTC
Local Storm Reports for the past 30 days
NOAA Weather Radio
Station KBA99 Serving Kauai, Oahu, Maui, Molokai, Lanai and part of the Big Island on 162.550 & 162.400 MHz
Station WWG75 Serving Maui, Molokai, Lanai and part of the Big Island on 162.400 MHz
Station WWG27 Serving parts of the Big Island on 162.550 MHz
Station WZ2557 Serving Kauai on 162.450 MHz
Phone Recordings
From O`ahu - (808) 973-4380
Automated Recordings - (808) 973-4380
watches, warnings and advisories
Oahu Forecast
Oahu Surf Forecast
Coastal Wind Observations
Buoy Reports, and current weather conditions for selected locations
tides, sunrise and sunset information
Coastal Waters Forecast
general weather overview
Tropical information (during hurricane season)
From Maui - Toll Free (866) 944-5025 & (808) 944-3756
Automated Recordings - Toll Free (866) 944-5025 & (808) 944-3756
Surf Information
watches, warnings and advisories
Maui Community Forecast
Coastal Waters Forecast
Haleakala Summit Forecast
Coastal Wind Observations
Buoy Reports, and current weather conditions for selected locations
tides, sunrise and sunset information
general weather overview
Tropical information (during hurricane season)
From Kaua`i - (808) 245-6001 & (808) 245-3564
Automated Recording (808) 245-6001 & (808) 245-3564
watches, warnings and advisories
Kauai Island Forecast
Kauai Waters and Kauai Channel Forecast
Coastal Wind Observations
Buoy Reports, and current weather conditions for selected locations
for tides, sunrise and sunset information
general weather overview
Tropical information (during hurricane season)
Surf Information
From the Big Island - (808) 935-8555
Automated Recording (808) 935-8555
watches, warnings and advisories
island wide forecast options
Hilo and vicinity
Windward Kohala and Hamakua
Puna district
Kona area
Leeward Kohala
Kau district
Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa Summits
the waters forecasts
Alenuihaha Channel
Big Island Windward Waters
Big Island Leeward Waters
Big Island Southeast Waters
Coastal Wind Observations
Buoy Reports, and current weather conditions for selected locations
for tides, sunrise and sunset information
Surf Information
Tropical information (during hurricane season)