Honolulu, HI
Weather Forecast Office
To cut down on the number of alarms, Flash Flood Warnings will only trigger Wireless Emergency Alerts for "considerable" or "catastrophic" impacts. Read more details at:
This change is only for Wireless Emergency Alerts which are sent to cell phones. All Flash Flood Warnings will still be sent over the Emergency Alert System (EAS) for broadcast on radio and TV and will continue to activate NOAA Weather Radio receivers.
If you want additional information sent to you about natural or man-made disasters, each county also offers free notification services. Links to sign up are available here:
US Dept of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Weather Service
Honolulu, HI
2525 Correa Rd Suite 250
Honolulu, HI 96822
(808) 973-5286
Comments? Questions? Please Contact Us.