Honolulu, HI
Weather Forecast Office
Real-time rainfall and wind data from the University of Hawaii at Manoa's Hawaii Mesonet and the Hawaiian Electric Company's weather mesonet have been added to the following automated tabular text products:
Hawaii Rainfall Summary, WMO header SRHW80 PHFO, AWIPS ID RRAHFO, updated hourly at +0:45.
Hawaii One-Hour Rainfall Summary, WMO header SRHW70 PHFO, AWIPS ID RR5HFO, updated hourly at +0:30.
Hawaii Wind Data, WMO header SXHW50 PFHO, AWIPS ID OSOHFO, updated twice per hour at +0:25 and +0:43.
A map showing the locations of the rainfall and wind data sites can be found at this link.
US Dept of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Weather Service
Honolulu, HI
2525 Correa Rd Suite 250
Honolulu, HI 96822
(808) 973-5286
Comments? Questions? Please Contact Us.